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Okay, just a something that happened today while I was out getting my groceries for the fortnight.
I thought that, perhaps, a few members like to discuss or add their thoughts, etc, after reading it.
9.00am Australian Central Summer time, sitting, minding my own business and having a nice fresh brewed coffee outside the Shopping Centre I've shopped at for many years now and along comes some bloke, complete stranger, dressed in black, wearing his collar back to front waving a bucket.
He asks me would I like to make a donation to the fund to REPAIR the roof of the local Catholic Cathedral.
So, I ask him this question, " Is not the Cathedral God's House?"
"Yes," he answers, " It is one the many houses of God."
" So, I respond, " Then this god is the Landlord, Owner of the Property?"
He answers quite quickly. " Yes, I suppose legal he is. why do you ask?"
"Well, by law, morally and Ethically," I reply, " is NOT the Landlord/Owner responsible for the maintenance, up-keep, etc, for HIS property then?"
With quite a bit ummming and ahhhing this bloke responds finally, " Yes, I suppose he is if you put it that way."
"So," I asking him, " then as the Landlord WHY doesn't HE merely come along, wave his mighty and omnipotent hand, as he was supposed to do at the beginning of Creation, and fix it himself instead of expecting his tenants to toil and pay for these repairs, IS this god of yours NOT just another of those 'Absentee Landlords' who simply sit back and rake in the money and do ABSOLUTELY NORHING in return then?"
His response, as I guessed and expected was, " But God works in mysterious ways his miracles to perform."
"Well, IF he likes to be so mysterious then, WHY can't he simply do the roof repairs when everyone is sleeping instead of expecting we mortals to fork out our hard earned money?"
I waited for answer, drank my coffee, looked around only to find that this black-clad bloke was literally storming off in disgust and muttering loudly to himself, presumably at or about me in particular.

Triphid 9 Oct 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Fucked up priest needs to fleece his sheep instead of harassing intelligent people outside of his barn needing roof repairs


This made me laugh out loud!


I’ve always believed that “god botherers” should do just that...and stop bothering the rest of us!

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