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I am interested in the afterlife.Any anecdotes,memories,or theories would interest me.

bolivar 1 Oct 31

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I do not believe that there is any "afterlife."


I have been an atheist since the age of 5. However, I have had several experiences that suggest some form of consciousness that exists beyond the physical limits of the corporeal body. The most remarkable occurred at the moment of my mother's death. She was in Oklahoma and I was in Denver. I was awakened at 3:14 a.m. by an intense orange glow in my bedroom. I looked at the clock, thinking I had perhaps overslept and it was daytime. The glow faded as I came fully awake, and eventually I went back to sleep. The next day my sister, who had been with our mother, called and told me that she had died at 3:14 a.m. I might chalk this up to passing headlights and coincidence, but, as I said, I have had other experiences. I am glad to see a discussion of this nature started here. Thanks for posting.


Are you sure you’ve logged onto the right site? Maybe It’d be better try a different “medium”.


I wish to garner any knowledge of the afterlife as possible.It may be that my partner will not survive for too long-so I ,and he,would like to gather up as much information as possible about what happens after death....for comfort,mainly....which doesn't mean I would jump at anything!

There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that there is one, a fact I find very comforting, the idea of immortality in any form is a nightmare.

I personally do not believe in an afterlife as an individual. Our sense of identity as a separate self in a body is an illusion IMO. If you identify with the entire procession of life along with its self-awareness “you” will be immortal because time is only an illusion that springs from consciousness.

We are in “heaven” right now but lack the awareness to fully appreciate it. Every moment of conscious awareness is a miracle of enormous proportions.

May I make a suggestion ?

@OwlInASack u know , like , get busy w the life h were given right now , especially if it seems to be running short ?🙃

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