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Hello to everyone in this community. I just joined today ... I have just been reading the following [] ... which is worth a read despite all the statistics. I think organised religion is and has been one of the main driving forces behind wars, conflicts, genocides, and general heinous human behaviour ... though capitalism, greed, love of money, oil etc. are clearly also involved these days. I wonder if their is a direct correlation between war-zones or countries directly invloved in wars and the extent to which these countries are religious? The USA and the Middle East have certainly been involved in almost constant wars since the 2nd world war and farther back than that ... the following paragraph is interesting ... A 2010 Pew Research global study found that 16 percent of the global population to be unaffiliated with a religion, however, Pew notes that "more than three-quarters of the religiously unaffiliated live in Asia, the majority in China. Many of the people in this group do hold some religious or spiritual beliefs and may even believe in a deity, but they do not identify with a particular faith."[7] Of the global atheist and nonreligious population, 76% reside in Asia and the Pacific, while the remainder reside in Europe (12%), North America (5%), Latin America and the Caribbean (4%), sub-Saharan Africa (2%) and the Middle East and North Africa (less than 1%).[7] so... I'm not really for evangelism of atheism but if somehow, all religious people were persuaded to be, well, non- religious ... skeptical, agnostic-atheists, could or would that have the potential to bring peace to the world? ... or would capitalism, consumerism, greed etc. just continue spreading the conflicts and environmental irresponsibilities being perpetrated by humanity? Is eradication of religion even possible? I try to respect other people's beliefs but unfortunately a lot of relgious people do not and either feel sorry for us non-believers or try to convert us or condemn us to hell! So they basically think there is something wrong with me, and if I'm honest, I think there is something psychologically wrong with them. Do we need aliens to visit us and tell us for sure, "We've been all over the Galaxy and witnessed thousands of species ten times more intelligent than us and 100 times more intelligent than you and they have no belief or proof of or even an interest in whether there is a great God almighty creator of all that is, so just wake up and ditch all your dumb religions now, please!" I think music may be the answer but, despite all the amazing music that makes us dance and sing and go into trance-like states, we still haven't quite found the optimal frequencies that could eradicate all this religious insanity! Perhaps alien musicians will be our salvation!

matt1972 4 Nov 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Worth while post, but If you want people to read your posts, you do need to use paragraphs.


Interesting thoughts but perhaps deal with consumerism and it’s effect on people first which is far more pernicious than most religions.

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