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The god police are the most dangerous on the planet: christian, islamist, buddhist, hinduist, communist, socialist, fascist,...

They ALL serve to attain the grace of their immediate "leader." Their most immediate danger. A basic human instinct, to avoid pain.

It is clear from the last 300+ years we are better, each and every of us, to be able to speak freely without violence.

And now we have the "progressives" demanding they are our moral authoritarians. And we have no other choice.

And again we are here ::::: “'Progressive' inquisition,” anyone?

JacarC 8 Nov 2

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Thirty years ago, I visited a Pentecostal church in a small, Alabama town. I was surprised they sent a 'goon squad' around with the offering plates. That was so everybody felt 'compelled' to ante up. And so no one would dare try to grab the offering plate, and run off with it!


Come down off your soap box. Progressives don't demand anything except justice. You either watch Fox "news" or you're having a psychotic episode.

Tell your handler that you did as ordered but that nobody bought what you were selling.

A clear example of the progressive police. Comply or get shit on. Thanks for the confirmation.

@Jacar Nice language. Wash your mouth out. Is gutter talk part of the conservative strategy?

@Jacar I speak only for myself.


Tyranny of the left or right is tyranny. That tyranny is the enemy seems lost to you.

That is my whole point.


Were do you come up with socialist in there?

Do what we say or be ostracized.

@Jacar Such easy, mindless effluence. Conservative mindspeak is everywhere, and part of the strategy is to take the very exact things they are guilty of and accuse it of their opponents. So typical.

@Jacar you need to do some research on socialism not the dictators who use it to take control

@Jacar really that is dictators and supreme rulers not real socialist you need to see where there is the places they use what was ment for socialism not what some one to gain all the power

Oh ye of little historical evidence lol


"It was the best of times and the worst of times."
Charles Dickens


Not progressive but evangelical, get it right they are doing it at religious colleges

the "progressives" are the most so.

@Jacar A simple sloganish lie. Were you abused as a child, Jacar?


Pretty much the only social rules I have seen coming from progressives boil down to "Try not to be an asshole." Do you feel that your right to be an asshole is being impinged upon by somebody?

Deb57 Level 8 Nov 3, 2019

What she said LMAO

Not so..... All the crap from the "progressives" who have no sense of humor and like you demand conformance.

@Jacar trust me, you're not special enough to me that I would care whether or not you conform to my views. Feel free to continue being as screwed up in the head as you like.

@Deb57 To be sure, i am wonderfully amused at your repeated personal attacks. I am so looking forward to our pie-fight. Meringue will not be your hair's friend.

"progressives" support open borders, spending my taxes on "legals" and illegals: healthcare, education, and all the many supports such as childcare, BUT I GET NO SAY IN THIS>!!!!

That is bullshit. When will you people get real? The first rule on the plane is PUT ON YOUR MASK FIRST so you can then help others.

PROGRESSIVES are refusing to put on their masks first so they can help others. They are killing the most important part of US.

@Jacar I'M not for open borders. I want Muslims kept out. There. Conformist enough for you?
You're against Universal Health Care? How original of you! Isn't every right-wing asdhole in the world against it? You're compliance police have taught you well!

@Jacar You keep telling us what "progressives" think, as if you had any clue. My opinions are my own, and they certainly don't follow any pattern you might imagine. It just seems like you need somebody to hate, and your favorites for hating are anybody who is not exactly like you. How boring!


Well, the first 3 sentences were great! Then you dragged in "progressives" AS IF they had/have anything to do with your first premise. Care to explain? Which ones, for example?

Wasting your’s a hobbyhorse!

Thank you for providing a clear example of the "progressive" police.

@Jacar ummm, noooooo.
And no answer to my direct questions? Why would that be.......oh, wait, you have none!


Complete nonsense.

Sad you did not read for clarity. These all have the same foundations: do, and think, what we say or be banished.

@Jacar You're a robot
Oh I'd love to banish you if only I could!
I'd make you and everyone like you disappear forever, ESPECIALLY the men who create the slogans you parrot like a good little sheeple---Rush, Sean, and your other 'heroes.' They captured your mind lock, stock and barrel and you are their slave. You should be ashamed but you're too brainwashed by their lies. Either that or you're a paid, full-time cancerous growth, sent to sow anger where there is usually only thoughtful deliberation, polite debate, and a honest search for truth.


Progressives are mostly not religious, how did you arrive at this 'conclusion" which is in itself very judgemental in itself? A Jacar inquisition?

A clear example of the progressive inquisition. Ad hominem when understanding eludes.

@Jacar really, that is your evidence? Who's kidding who?


It might be more advantageous to discuss policy without resorting to the tribalism so rampant in todays society.

I do not see captives in the Iron Maiden, or use of the Popes Pear any longer, so your use of the term inquisition is unfounded as a comparison.

Obviously you feel angry, and perhaps persecuted by what you are labeling "progressives", but that is prejudging a demographic, which is tribal bigotry. I do not know what you mean by the term, it has political inference, but might be your insurance company, who knows.

Is Flo harassing you?


Conservatives are the "god police..."
Is this the newest, trendiest thing, to somehow make progressives the bad guys?
Hey, Sean, Rush---and the multitude of minions all over talk radio (and soon coming to the internet)---beat you to it!
Now, let's all get out there are finish up the jobs of mass extinction, destruction of the ecosystem, and get those pesky gays, minorities and women back in their place!
And that's just for starters!
Yep, those progressives are getting more dangerous every day!

All these groups demand compliance. The "progressives" are only second to islamists.

@Jacar Oh yes obviously. Not. I believe what I want, or do you think they demanded compliance from me and I fell in line? I think these are self-evident, serious problems. Nobody told me what to think.
When's the last time you deviated from the conservative line, aside from religion? Even there you're probably a troll.
Why do you even bother harassing us? Isn't there some other site where your views are more favorably received? But I know you're a long-time permanent troll, if there is such a thing. Just like to pester people, huh?
Go ahead, give me a self-righteous, sarcastic, or devastating cute blowback
I could care less.


Hmmmm, I thought it was the conservatives trying to tell me what to do with my body that is the issue of importance.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but isn't universal health care, protecting our natural resources from exploitation by corporations, equal pay for equal work, taking care of our vets and mentally ill population the signs of a progressive society?
The divisiveness of our current climate is the goal of Russia. Divide and conquer. What happened to the colonists' "United We Stand"?

Open borders, my taxes used to provide healthcare, and education, to illegals while my school district , and community. goes wanting are clearly "progressive" demands.

As are you words.

@Jacar Those are state issues. Some states take care of their residents, some do not.


I'm looking forward to reading Douglas Murray's new book The Madness of Crowds to read how he expounds the idea of lefties becoming the new god police.

We are few in the midst of the mobs.

@Jacar Well I'll leave you now. If I see that book I'll be sure to ignore it like a zombie (which is what you are). I hope you have a very bad day. Bad bye.


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