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Any Bernie Sanders supporters here ?. You will like this.

Moravian 8 Nov 3

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Yup many


I worked to elect Bernie and 2016 but voted for the democratic nominee when he did not make it. I think Bernie is too old. We are close to the same age and I know I'm to old. We need a 2 term president and there's no way he could make it 2 terms.It is so much easier to elect an incumbenr. I like both Warren and Mayor Pete. I prefer Pete's approach to healthcare. I fear Warren's insistence on dumping preivate insurance completely will sink her candidacy.


This video was manipulative. The most anti-Bernie folks on there were Republicans. Do you really expect them to praise him? DUH! Not all Dems like him. The Dems as usual are divided about who they like. He does come of as the angry old man. That is fact. I would like him to tone that down. Historically it doesn't work. His proclamation of being a socialist works against him with Boomers. They automatically think Communism. I know they are wrong, but it is what they believe. The Boomers are a huge voting block, and they vote in large numbers. His health scare did not help. I like Bernie and would have no problem voting for him, but I don't think he can pull people from the center. If you can't do that you cannot win an election for the Presidency. If you can't get the black vote you can't get the nomination. He is very weak with those two groups. That is also fact.

My Boomer friends and I like the socialist aspect of him, but we may not be very typical.

@Organist1 I am a boomer and a lefty. We are not typical. If we were, trump would not be the President now. When I was younger I thought our generation was going to change things. Our generation is in charge, not only in Washington, but also running most corporations, and they have changed things, for the worse. We might be the greediest generation in history. It makes me very sad.

But that was the point. To poke fun at the Republicans.
Looking from accross the pond it is apparent that Americans idea of socialism is quite different from that in other parts of the world. In the UK Bernie would be just slightly left of centre but many Americans hear the word "socialism" and immediately think of the old USSR,
Bernie and his ilk may be too extreme for many though and the shift from the current extreme right govt may have to be a more gradual thing.

@Moravian I believe so.


I love Bernie. My only concern is about his health. Sparring with Trumpty Dumpty during an election cycle would probably give me a heart attack or a stroke, so I fear for Bernie. :'(

I feel as you. The reason I didn't support him (I would have if he had been nominated) was he was too old. This job is even hard on young people (and hopefully tRump will have a massive heart attack soon).

Maybe the reason tRump hasn't had a heart attack yet is that he never actually works, unless you count dictating tweets to an assistant and playing golf. You would think, though, that with his diet and weight problem, he is overdue! Regarding Bernie, I think it would depend on who he picks as a running mate, and whether people feel confident in that person enough to vote for him. The top three candidates in the polls are all septuagenarians.

@Organist1 I read this morning that Buttigieg and Warren are nearing the top even surpassing Biden.

In Iowa, or nationally?

@Organist1 Good question. Now you made me do some homework. The article was from the NY Times reporting from Iowa (as reported in the Seattle Times). But it didn't say but seemed to be nationally. The article was titled: "Warren, Buttigieg have momentum as Democratic race enters new phase." It never ceases to amaze me that right after I read something it shows up on this site. BTW you must be a night owl.

Thanks for checking that out. I thought I had heard about Iowa polls showing Mayor Pete surging ahead, but wasn't sure about national ones. Things are getting interesting. And yes, I am somewhat of a night owl, but have to get up for work in the morning, so have to force myself to get some sleep. 🙂

@Organist1 I hope it works. I have found that forcing sleep never works as I would like.

@JackPedigo I listen to some relaxing music or meditation stuff on YouTube. Sounds silly, but it helps my brain to stop thinking about a million things, and focus on one. That usually works.

@Organist1 No, it does not sound silly. A year ago I had a bike accident and it has taken me over a year to fully recover (my hand was broken and 2 fingers dislocated). It was another of those 'accidents' that came with benefits and one benefit was to get into meditation. I have read several books and picked up a number of different methods and one I do now involves mindfulness. This island is very much into such things and there are numerous places one can go to do meditation and even chanting. I do understand the million things one brain can't seem to let go of. It is a perennial problem.

@JackPedigo That sounds like a horrible accident, but it's good there was a positive aspect to it. Meditation helps me to relax too, as I tend to think excessively, especially at night when I should be relaxing. I hope your hand recovered completely.

@Organist1 I posted it on the site (Aug 9 2018) with a funny picture. When I went to our clinic to get the stitches removed (24 in my face (no scars) and a dozen in my hand I was told I was lucky. There were several accidents that summer and one woman had to have facial surgery which went on for several months. I was wearing a helmet but the doctor was really pissed at all those who don't.Thanks, my hand (2 fingers) is about 90% normal.

Glad you responded as the usual (with me) benefit appeared. My computer crashed and I suspected it was the keyboard. My step-son built it but it had an older connector to the computer and I looked all over for another keyboard but no luck. We had an environmental event this weekend and I helped. At one point helped set-up a children's event (how to make a topiary) at our new family resource center and went to a closet and there were several older computers and 1 keyboard with the cord dangling with the purple connector. Today, I went to ask the director if I may borrow the keyboard and I happened to mention to her about the accident and meditation. Of course the center has a 3 week program on meditation including mindful meditation starting on 11/14. Broken keyboard which led to a class on meditation (the new keyboard works - they said I could have it). I probably wore it out from all my typing lol

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