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It seems there are people in this world that believe that there is historical truth and accuracy in the bible πŸ€ͺ One story that has been tried to be proved through unfruitful searches for years is the global flood higher than the tallest mountain peak and Noah's ark.
One thing bible preachers who propagate creationism are very against is evolution. If one believes the story of noah than they face the dilema of either: noah collected litterally every type of dog (pit bull, boxer, jack russell, rottweiler, chihuahua.....) every type of spider (tarantula, black widow, Brazilian wandering spider, hunstman.....) every bettle (350,000 different species) or noah collected one wolf and after the flood the wolves evolved into every different dog species today. And same for spiders and bettles and every other living thing today. Like the absurdity that one has to believe to make this work is almost too much. So i guess the point im trying to make is there seems to be no real way to deny evolution as even the story of noah would require evolution after the flood to explain the diversity of life today.

Mollywhop 4 Nov 8

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Religious fundamentalists do not allow their minds to be troubled by facts that contradict their views.


I just always keep in mind that 50% of the population is below average intelligence and go from there.


I would not take it anything like that seriously. See, Williams comment below for all else you need to know.


Most of the Bible is myth, allegory and outright lies. It’s hardly worth stewing over.

Within that collection of literature there might be a few ideas that are worth taking into consideration. After all, the Bible is just an assortment of old writings of various degrees of authenticity and quality.

Thanks I totally understand that the bible can't be true.... I wasnt really trying to imply it was true I was more looking at the logic one must have in order to believe this. And I guess I was more trying to see if there is a response to the diversity of life being consistent with creationism and Noah's ark and evolution not being the cause for the diversity. Like how do people that believe this justify it in their minds?

@Mollywhop I’m damned if I know why some people are the way they are. There must be some reason. My strategy is to live and let live if possible.

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