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How does it affect you when religious people proudly proclaim “god has blessed me” and you are aware that in other countries their are starving children drinking dirty water and eating mud to stay alive and no god has “blessed” them?

becktammy666 3 Nov 11

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I tend to think the speaker is either being unduly modest about their own achievements or simply is anthropomorphising pure chance and blind luck by crediting a deity.

Asking about suffering children I am afraid tends to bring forth disgusting and disturbing answers guaranteed only to lower or destroy your opinion of the person you are listening to.


depends on your perspective. if by "god" you are personifying the situations and circumstances that led to YOUR life being enjoyable then it's not a bad perspective. if by "god" you are trying to claim it is an actual entity that favored you for some superficial bullshit while neglecting others whose lives are at risk then NO it's not a good perspective.


Doesn’t affect me at all. Fortunately in Australia people are not that myopic.

Certainly not in UK either. Must be an American disease, but I lived for a short while in Boston, N Carolina and Texas and never heard anyone declare such nonsense.

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