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Spirituality, New Age & Alternative Beliefs: General


I really do not like criticizing a therapy program that I have not fully evaluated myself , but does anyone else see the dangers of this type of advertising ? Usually they have a very long and hypnotizing promo video upon which you have no control. Any talk of costs is delayed until the last minute or even until you have received the ' starter ' pack with hidden costs. By the end you would feel odd if you did not believe some of the so called facts. Is this where spirituality leads one?.

NB I would change my mind if someone produced sheer un-refutable evidence for the effectiveness of this sort of sales technique.

Mcflewster 8 Nov 14

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This is a bullshit scam site designed to generate ad impressions and referral fees, there are millions of these. It must work as people are still doing it and have been for ages. I'm sure there are studies about it under psychology, marketing, sales, &/ communication.

The reason for the long form hypnotic is that you not only get sucked into the storyline, but you establish what seems like a relationship with the seller who you then want to please by buying it from them.... Also, by getting you to answer questions, they get market research data to profile potential buyers.

But is this ethical selling?

@Mcflewster Of course not. But it is effective.

... and the fact thst spirituality (and meditation) roots are from religion.

@shockwaverider Why do we put up with it? Creates more problems than it solves

@Mcflewster I assume that's a rhetorical question.


There is a scam in all fields, from Buddha to Bitcoin.

Doesn’t mean there are not some serious people out there. This one sucks you in so it’s a scam.

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