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On this site, I keep noticing lots of single older men from the UK. When I look at the other members in their area there are very few women. That made me wonder about the male female ratio there so I looked it up.

According to this article there are more single men under 65 but like every place else that changes after 65. That means there must be a lot less female atheists over 65 in the UK.[]england-and-wales-where-single-women-outnumber-men

Lorajay 9 Nov 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Okay i found a Pew Research paper on the question. It says more women than men are religiously affiliated worldwide. []


Have you analysed the ratios in relation to members from the USA too? It would be interesting to compare with the UK results,


No i just looked up the UK. But whether more males or females are atheists would be an interesting statistic.

@Lorajay It would.


Or maybe they are more theist

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 15, 2019

Maybe the gals are just less prone to spending time online? I follow a couple of quite interesting British females on here. Maybe you just missed them?

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