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I am wondering why these republicans are reaching for false facts using falsehoods and completely fraudulent sources to defend one of the most criminal corporate control governments in our lifetime!

Thes Obstructionist republicans are using the same tools that Mussolini and Hitler used to stack the courts, libel and smear their polical opponents by any means possible!

These republican Obstructionist are circling the wagons in much the same way Hitler did piror to and up to 1933.

The us of falsehood, false facts, and all out fraudulent lies.

These republican Obstructionist have rolled back, destroyed, and dismantled our environmental protections, workers safety, public health protections, giving the pharmaceutical industries overtly over the top drug princes some of the highest drug price on this planet!

Let's not forget the dismantling of the laws, rules, and regulations to protect our air, water, soil, and food supply!

Overtaking us with completely unnecessary tariffs which are nothing more of a false tax push upon the middle class!

We as a people can not stop those who are destroying our country, our cultures, and environment before we reach the point of no return!

The republicans party is a Obstructionist corporate own front which has been used to enrich the wealthy and their corporations, while we as taxpayers paying for their profits, greed, wars, and power over us!

trump is insane just as he Republican Party has become an overtly insane conservative and family values front group for the wealthy and their corporations completely at our expense!!'

of-the-mountain 9 Nov 21

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They only care about power and money. That is their religion.


Totally agree with what you are saying. Watched Dem Debate last night and worried about Joe Biden. I am starting to look at Buttigieg more seriously. I've always liked Corey Booker because I believe he could unite this country. Bernie still has it. Will vote for Dem candidate in the general but the primary I am still deciding.


Because they get paid well for it.

1of5 Level 8 Nov 21, 2019
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