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A neighbour invited me for a walk in the woods that turned into a hike and wading in the swamp for me. Probably hiked about 12 miles but gained zero feet in elevation (that is for @LiterateHiker) — unless you include the hundreds of rocks we climbed and descended! No bugs so a perfect day. I am in the last photo and my friend is in the second.

ToolGuy 9 Nov 24

Enjoy being online again!

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"Zero elevation gain." Very funny! Stand on a tuna can and you can see Michigan.

What body of water were you near?


Thanks for the explanation. Fascinating.

I have to reduce my photos by 50% before posting. Aggravating.


Will you please send me the link to the administrator's post? Yesterday, I still had to reduce the size of my photos by 50% before posting.


That’s great - nothing better than getting out in nature

CS60 Level 7 Nov 24, 2019

Fabulous photography....




Oh I can just smell the air .............

@ToolGuy Yes, I suppose.......

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