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Have you lost friendship once you declare you are a non-believer? I have, even family members.

Jamaicagirl 3 Mar 25

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No, I don't believe I have lost friendship for that reason, though I have never actually "declared" myself as in making an announcement -- It seems so presumptuous to do so about something that doesn't matter and is a personal choice or calling (supposedly a relationship with one's god) -- maybe like announcing publicly on the street corner what brand of underwear you wear. In New Zealand, christianity is generally a very casual thing -- people going to church for fellowship like a social club, or not going at all. Most of my good friends that I have hung on to through my entire life have been brought up as christian but not fanatic about it -- mostly Maori or Polynesian who have a live-and-let-live attitude. Some acquaintances, for example Samoans, cannot comprehend me when I tell them I have no religion -- but that's their loss.


Yes, all my family; it's nice to be rid of the bigotry and other delusions.


No I haven’t.


No. But I can't imagine having a friend that would have such a reaction... maybe I'm too discerning ?


No not an issue because I am attracted to people who are liberal like me.


Being British this is not a problem. In fact over here someone coming out as a born again christian is likely to lose friends as said friends would think they had gone a bit 'soft in the head'. (i.e stupid and crazy)

Nomad Level 6 Mar 25, 2018

I love the Brits


Yeah, but I expected that.


Well, ya gotta have'em to lose'em. LOL! I have a LOT of FB contacts. Some of them are locals who I know or have met F2F. They all know about my non-belief, they are just completely silent when I post FFRF items to my wall. At least they aren't rude. At work, my closest co-workers are all aware and again, they're cool, but mostly silent. There are people who work in my organization that I interact with who don't know and I work for the state so there's no need to stir crap up with activism in an environment that is supposed to be secular. That could change if/when I see some blatant prostletyzing. =]


I've done that without religion.


I've lost one that I know of. She was a good friend and knew beforehand I didn't have religion. What happened to change her over time, I have no idea. No family members though. Maybe because all my family members are non believers.


My entire family disowned and left me to die twice from starvation because I didn't follow their religion. Friends have as well. Proves they don't actually follow the rule in theirs to love everyone.


I have. I lost my two best friends. They are recovering addicts and they felt that my opinions about religion undermined their sobriety. Broke my heart. And made me really angry. Ironically enough, it made me hate religion more than I did before. Now I can add the idea that religion convinces strong people that they can't survive without it to the list of ways that religion must brainwash people to sustain itself.

I miss them, but I can't be friends with people that need religious Stepford friends. It's hard to make close friends at my age, though. If they aren't co-workers, you don't really see people enough to form that kind of bond.


A woman I once dated, but not real friends. There are family members who don't speak to me, but that's not entirely one sided.

As far as friends, I don't make many and those bonds are strong and deep. Some people who considered themselves friends may have broken contact. Those feelings of friendship weren't mutual though.

JimG Level 8 Mar 25, 2018

Those who are gone, I do not miss. Their loss, not mine.


Yes. Friends. No family though. Everyone is too afraid of my mom to go there while that old bird is still alive.

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