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It has come to my attention that a lot of folks who want to connect with me are in the "sexual deviants" group. If you are in this group, please don't contact me. I am the furthest thing away from a sexual deviant and find your membership in this group to be a huge and total turn off. ... I would add this to my profile, but I don't see a way to edit.

JustAskMe 6 Nov 26

Enjoy being online again!

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What a humourous & revealing thread . As viewed by a neutral party . With deviant perhaps not being the ideal title for a group of adventurous , fetish filled , kink loving devotees to the alter of the genital gods.
@ justaskme has a valid point as offence is taken not given . In these bizarre times , offence taking has become a warped kind of woke currency.
Common sense dictates the definition of deviant. Should be totally void of taking offence at anything.


At least you're not judgemental.

I find it really interesting that folks who want respect for their choices can't seem to give any. ... I am simply saying I noticed a few folks who have contacted me belong to a particular group and that group turns me off. I don't want to date folks from that group. Perhaps I was a little harsh, but judgemental, no. I'm sorry you are so offended and want to make like there is something wrong with me.


There must be something about you that attracts the "deviants". Just sayin.

It must be my model like appearance, lol!


@justaskme It is easy and too bad that we can still rustle the leaves and a jerk or two jumps out....

blzjz Level 7 Nov 26, 2019

Since I don't know you I don't know if you mean me, or them, but either way, thanks for your response,lol.

@JustAskMe..... them.... no beefs with you...

@blzjz I also don't know what this means. I can't make heads or tails of most of what you say.


You can edit your bio here: []

Thank you, I did.


Crap! I keep forgetting to add "if you can't edit your profile don't contact me" to my profile.

Thanks for the reminder.

1of5 Level 8 Nov 26, 2019

I'm sorry you are so offended by my preferences.

@JustAskMe and I you.

@1of5 I'm not offended, just not interested.


That is very close-minded of you.

No it isn't. I'm being honest and not wasting anyone's time. If you offended, well, that's YOU being close minded.

@JustAskMe I am not offended. The title of the group gives the wrong impression. You brushed it off without any investigating.

@soulless I haven't smoked crack either, but guess what I won't be trying today? In any case, I was a bit salty when I made this post due to several unsolicited pm's I received from group members. I found the messages quite distasteful and I'm not interested in that type of thing. ... Go ahead and have whatever type of deviant sex you like with whomever and how every many you want. I really don't care. I just don't want to be a part of it.


I belong to an arm load of groups.

Many require that you join before commenting, so I join and comment. This does not mean that I am agreeing with that group, only commenting in there.

I am a member of both pro and anti gun groups.

There are many reasons someone joins a group.

@moosepucky I wrote another post to the same group this post is in saying, (among other things) that "the post was more about the unsolicited pm's I received from members of the group that I found "quite distasteful" ( a nice way of saying a total turn off) In any case, I'm not interested in online sex talk. I've had my share of sex and what I'm looking for is something that transcends physical gratification. Also, it really doesn't matter to me why someone would join a group called "sexual deviants" Whatever the reason, I am certain we are not a match.


People are individuals. Each will have a different want and need. Myself, I rarely start a private conversation but I will always respond as I respect that someone would take the time to reach out to me.

I find that I feel better about myself when I am polite to others, regardless of what they say to me.

If you do not want to receive unsolicited sexual comments, change your preferences to "here for community"

@moosepucky Well, good for you. I suppose you are trying to suggest that you are somehow more mature or better than me in some way. I could be wrong, but again, in any case, anyone who is a member of "sexual deviants" group is not a match for me.


Edit your preferences.

I am trying to be helpful, not condescending.

@moosepucky You're way behind. I made a new post and have added info to my profile. Thanks, have a good day.


What Victoria said.

What does this mean? Are you suggesting I'm being "victorian"? If so, you are wrong, (not that it's any of your business) but one need not be "victorian" to not be a deviant. .. There is a rainbow of options between victorian and deviant.

@VictoriaNotes - Oh good! Thank you. I've been hassled a bit about this, so.... ... sorry.


You can edit your profile. Just look for it.

Got it, thanks.


Ummmm ok..

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