3 4

Not bad! A shame we're not hosting a family Thanksgiving dinner this year:

bigpawbullets 9 Nov 28

Enjoy being online again!

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bobwjr Level 10 Nov 28, 2019

Aww.. I thought you was a family man

Only when it comes to supporting them, etc. More than 3 people visiting and I go hide.... 😳

@bigpawbullets seriously? I need people .... I'll support.. 😓😓

Yep. Symptom of PTSD according to my doc. Or the fact that I'm a cranky old man. 😆

@bigpawbullets you're not a cranky old man.. you're very nice for a conservative! 🤣😂


Hey... that walking ball of meat has Giblets inside... MAN,, Giblet Gravy is the Bomb Diggity!! 😍 Me and Too Tall Tommy are heading to the Hilton for their buffet at 3.. Come on down.. 😁👍

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