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I don't care who you are, this shit is funny... Not only because it has the radical lefters in an uproar, but because it's coming from a group of people fighting for democracy, against communists, and leftists hate that.. 😂[]

Captain_Feelgood 8 Dec 1

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Imagine if a US city became dominated by communists and then went into revolt. And China began passing laws and sanctions in order to support the rogue city. We would see it as an act of war. I'd prefer to see our government stay out of internal conflicts of other sovereign nations.

I think "act of war" is a bit much really, but your point is well taken. If you think about it, we already have cities that are, and have been for a long time, run by radical left wingers as it is, and they are literally shit holes. But they are not fighting the Fed. Gov. wanting democracy. Good point though.. 😑👍

@Captain_Feelgood Yeah act of war is a bit much but I bet war would be the result of that situation.

@RoboGraham A trade war maybe, but that wouldn't really do much good in the long run, for them anyway..

@Captain_Feelgood If a foreign country were providing aid to one of our cities in revolt, you bet your ass that our military would respond with bombs.

@RoboGraham Pfffft.... naaaah, I don't think so. It just don't work that way. 😂


Don't feed the trolls.

Growing up, we called it 'slopping the hogs'... They have to eat too you know.. 😂😄👍


You’d think the radical left here in the US would learn a little from this but I doubt it.


It sure would be nice if he did something for the citizens of America

He’s done more for America in the 3 years he been in office than Obama did in 8.

@Trajan61 Obama again? Seriously... Moo..


Funny, but incredibly STUPID. But then, it CAME from #CreepyTrump's Twitter feed, so.... Here's a more realistic photo he could have used. Now THAT'S funny! HAhahaha! Oh, I LOVE the part about how these Conservatard, Right-Winger, RUSSIA loving CLOWNS are "fighting for democracy!" Good one! Hahahaha! #Dumbass

From his Twitter feed??? And who, exactly, is the dumbass? 😮🤔

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