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According to Fareed Zakaria this Sunday morning, the inability of the US to pass any effective gun legislation stems from what he calls the tyranny of the minority. This is despite the fact that greater than 80% (both Republican and Democrats) are in favor of increased background checks, red flag laws and licencing of gun owners prior to being able to purchase a gun.

The purchase of government by the NRA lobby is holding the US hostage.

t1nick 8 Dec 1

Enjoy being online again!

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DICKS sporting goods took a stand against the NRA and the much feared backlash has been a continued growth in sales. 😉


Too many people fall for that slippery slope argument that any tiny restriction will lead to outright prohibition. Most people are in favor of the 2nd Amendment and most people are also in favor of sensible restrictions. This shouldn't be so hard.

The slippery slope argument is a favorite talking point of the Repblicans and the NRA. Yet they lack any evidence to show where a similar action of accountability demonstrated anything like the phenomenon they keep postulatiing. But then again, Conservatives hate facts unless they are made up by them.

@t1nick So true. I actually sometimes here them label their arguments as slippery slopes themselves. They be like" You know, legalizing cannabis is a slippery slope to everybodies kids being high on hard drugs all the time" or "allowing same sex marriage is a slippery slope to men wedding their pigs" or "Implementing any policy with a hint of socialism is a slippery slope to a communist hellscape."

So convenient when they point out their own logical fallacies.


Our country is in a bad, bad way in so many ways. This next election could be the most important in my lifetime.


they have a gun to congress's re-election pockets.


With what appears to be russian cash, or at least a % of it is.

So fucking cool.


That's true. I forgot about their recent dalliance with Russia

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