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Gallows Humor

ADKSparky 8 Dec 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah, I saw an article yesterday about some blind death row inmate. Not sure why someone would think you can't give the death penalty to a handicapped person.

lerlo Level 8 Dec 3, 2019

The ramp could use some anti-skid tape. In NY, and set of stairs with more than two steps needs a hand rail.


Hard to laugh but ADA in that time too?


There's no railing around the trap door, serious OSHA violation regarding the hangman's safety.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 2, 2019

and no handrail on the steps.

@hankster operate that thing and someone's gonna get killed

@1of5 firing squads are so much safer.

@hankster also much more constitutionally appropriate

But for sheer spectacle gotta go with the guittione

@1of5 true, tho a good tar and Feathering might be nice once in awhile.

@hankster plenty of people to choose from for that

@1of5 plenty!

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