4 8

I wonder if they take turns or if there's an individual out house staffer in charge of changing his diapers. he is such a piss baby.

hankster 9 Dec 4

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Louis XIV had a Royal Butt Wiper. I don't doubt that Donnie Diapers has an 'aide-de-depends' who totes an extra package or two, wherever our Sun King goes!


Are you referring to the Toddler-in-Chief? Or someone in the House Judicial Committee like Jim Jordan. They're both piss babies.


Melania was in charge but she refused continuing recently 😟


What leads you to think someone changes him? He acts like he's got dirty diapers on all the time.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 4, 2019

I always thought that when the diapers were full they would go to his head.

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