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Trump ends food stamps for 700,000.
500,000 of them voted for Trump.
(That second line I made up but I wouldn’t be at all surprised.)


rhmccluskey 5 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Watched a special called "poverty in America" the focus was on Appalachian mountain region. extreme poverty.. high trump supporters. kinda nuts really. In Richmond, Virginia 25% of the people living below the poverty line... big republican supporters. Grandma told me once that there is nothing dumber then a poor person that votes republican.

Leetx Level 7 Dec 5, 2019

I am always amazed at people driving POS cars that are obviously poor that have bumper stickers for Repub pols. Some people are just too stupid to draw breath, but they are still allowed to vote. We are likely doomed....

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