In 2015 I started out as a Bernie supporter and even considered hosting Bernie support rallies at my home. It felt good to be part of a revolution that, as Bill Nye says about science, will "Change The World!" Then I watched a PBS documentary called "The Day The 60s Died" - and it reminded me of another revolution - MUCH larger than what Bernie was doing. The Anti-War movement of the late 60s and we were changing the world! But the ugly side of America was much larger than we ever imagined - the rednecks, the hard hats, the racists, the religious right, the conservative republicans and moderate democrats that included most of our parents - voted for Nixon and he was reelected by a landslide... and all of those radical revolutionary hippies couldn't change our country. There is a reason congress is so corrupt and things like the NRA, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, The Dukes of Hazard, Duck Dynasty, George Dubbya and Sarah Palin were so popular with a huge portion of this country... and it is the ugly secret about this country that nobody wants to talk about. I really hoped the rise and election of Trump might be a wake up call and I hope enough people are listening - but I am afraid history may just be repeating itself. You can watch it on Amazon Prime videos...
I had a friend who came back from Vietnam, actually more than one, who came back screwed up royally. My next door neighbor played boundary games with our yards and was not a well person. We were angry back then and many of us are angry now with Rethuglicans wanting to turn the clock back fifty years. As much as I've liked Bernie we, Democrats, need to nominate a centrist candidate who can beat Trump. That is a priority. Hopefully no 3rd party candidates to give votes to Trump. We all have to get out there and encourage everyone to vote. This country cannot afford for Trump to win another term. Look what he did this week at NATO. The whole world is laughing at the moron. Scary what damage he has done and further hell he could cause worldwide!!!!!@
My brother-in-law was drafted in 68 into the Marines and was a Vietnam grunt... he came back with 2 purple hearts and still carries a bullet next to his spine - along with Agent Orange disease... when he was back in 1971 he wanted to march in his hometown American Legion Post - Memorial Day parade - they said not unless he cut is long hair and shave his beard - he refused and decided to mail them his medals and told then to shove it...
I am not sure that I have the guts to watch this report, maybe through eyes full of tears. I came to the US in 1974 and knew very quickly that most of my ideas about America were not true anymore. People called me Nazi, although I told them that WW2 was long over when I was born. Too many Americans were uneducated on anything outside of their little zone of interest and firmly believed everything they saw on television.
I studied in college, made a good career, grabbed all the opportunities available to me and kept observing and debating and arguing politics.. I became a citizen five years ago, so I could vote in the election. In my heart of hearts, I fear that America is lost to greed, self-interest, and ignorance, but then people like my grandson and his kind give me new hope. They call me "woke" (had to look that up) loudly and openly discuss revolutions and are not afraid to suffer or die for what they believe. They all have registered to vote. I hope I live long enough to see what becomes of this movement. Oh yes, I will vote for Bernie Sanders. I do not see any other option.
Bernie is not electable - don't waste your vote. A wasted vote is a vote for Trump.
@FrostyJim How cute! Are you trying to tell me how to vote?
@FrostyJim You can't tell people how to vote. It doesn't work.
I'm not saying you're wrong about Sanders, but telling anyone who has
already said they plan to vote for him not to, well, it's every bit as bad as
any 45 supporter calling anyone refusing to support that miserable scumbag, a liberal.
@KKGator - I did not tell anybody how to vote - you are free to waste your vote and reelect Trump. I think that is a very real possibility. Trump does not need 51% to win - He just needs to split the opposition... just like last time... I would hope we are smarter now but I am not so sure.
@FrostyJim "Bernie is not electable - don't waste your vote. A wasted vote is a vote for Trump."
You just told her not to waste her vote on 45. Any reasonable person would read that as you telling her how to vote.
Further, I never said I was supporting that scumbag, OR Sanders.
You clearly did NOT read what I wrote.
Dial it back a bit. Hardly anyone on this site supports that piece of shit.
@Spinliesel - I encourage you to support whoever you like - It is my opinion that Bernie will not win the primaries and be the Dems candidate - but if he does I will vote for him - I will vote for whoever the Dems put on the ballot... That is the only way we can ever defeat Trump and keep our democracy alive...
@KKGator - Huh? Maybe I should re-state my position: In my opinion, Burnie is not electable so whoever gets the Dems nomination to lead the party is the one I will support. I don't care if it is Burnie - I just doubt it will be. I will vote Blue and hope enough will to get rid if the orange Baboon.
@FrostyJim I have repeatedly stated my intention of voting for whomever is the one to oppose 45 in the election. Ask anyone.
I'd dearly love to see BOTH 45 and Pence impeached, convicted, removed, and imprisoned.
I'd dearly love to see 45 drop dead, through ANY means.
I hate that miserable fucker with every fiber of my being.
I've hated him for over 40 years. He is the worst thing that has ever
happened to this country, besides religion. That will always be the worst.
There isn't anything that you've said, that I haven't. At least 100 times since joining this site.
@KKGator It is my main goal in life to eliminate the grifter from the American political scene. That's why i did not vote for him in 2016, and that's why I was perfectly willing to invoke the 2nd Amendment and shoot him in the name of American Democracy. But no, everybody shushed me and said i would get arrested for saying that. My American family was totally paranoid about that! And now Frosty Jim wants to instruct me on how to vote. Relax!