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This is a good answer to Xians or others when you discuss your lack of religion.

HippieChick58 9 Dec 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Even some unbelievers opine that we won the lottery just by existing at all. And in terms of raw odds, I suppose that's true. But I don't think it's true in terms of actual value.

Existing is not a gift in my view, unless you happen to be lucky enough that it brings you more pleasure than pain on at least an overall basis -- and if you don't have too much existential weariness. It does not take much for existence to be a burden.

Right now, on the one hand I'm debt free and earning a six figure income via a profession that I thoroughly enjoy, I have a loving wife, and enjoy mentoring my stepson, etc. On the other hand I am old, increasingly unwell, worry about my stepson's inability to properly "launch" and my wife's spirits over that and a fractious relationship with her daughter, and a bunch of other equally weighty and/or annoying things.

In the past I've been similarly burdened -- as sole caregiver for my previous wife while she was dying, for example. I know, better than most, how quickly things can turn to shit.

In general, I've never known whether to laugh or cry.

If life were a product I had ordered and paid for, I'd be asking for a refund, or at least a visit from Customer Service.

As it is simply something I found myself coping with going on 63 years ago, though, I am grateful, not to have it, but to have survived it in somewhat functional shape.

That is all.


Reminds me of the story of a man who presented with a $259 hotel bill questioned some of the charges made

"It says here $20 for cable TV, I did not watch cable TV" he complained
"It was there if you wanted it" replied the manager
"It says here $50 for the use of the swimming pool, I did not swim," pointed out the man
"It was there if you wanted it" replied the manager with a smug look. "Now either pay up or I will call the police and have you thrown in jail."
"I see," said the man, and taking it back wrote on the reverse side
$259 for fucking me in the arse. Account settled in full!
"I never touched your bottom" screamed the manager
The man looked him in the eye and whispered "It was there if you wanted it"

To me the Christian god is the smug manager charging us for salvation we don't need and threatening to prosecute us if we do not pay up, and expecting us to bend over and take it.

Not only that but the Christian god doesn't even give us evidence to say he exist. Bullshit


I understand that if you receive something and you did not order it then you get to keep it. One should try to sent it back, but one does not have to legally. If this is not so please say so.


Love it!


It's a good answer except when you say the universe is created it implies are creator logically.
Better wording would be ' I never requested for the universe to exist'

No something being created does not imply a creator, it implies creation, for instance burning hydrogen in an oxygen rich atmosphere creates water.
All that is required is heat, hydrogen and oxygen to be in the same place at the same time, no creator or act of creation is required.

@LenHazell53 so would you say a volcano is created?

@Ramone no it is a result of pressure and tectonic activity on preexisting matter

@LenHazell53 would you say pressure and tectonic activity on pre-existing matter create a volcano?

I would say no to the above question. I'll say it cause a volcano and not create a volcano.
That's because created things speaks of intent from an agent (mind) and natural things happen without any reason to think its intended from an agent

@Ramone Which is exactly what I said

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