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Trump saying "I'll do whatever I want" shows the problem. He thinks he is above the law that applies to everyone else.

Jennw 4 Dec 13

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Do you have a link to him saying this, so as to put it in perspective? I think he's actually said something similar back in 2017, and again the other day.. Which one are you referring to?

The one from yesterday. But you are correct that he has said similar several times.


by:Charlie Spearing..

Pelosi said Trump was betraying the Founders and the Constitution by acting as a “king” or a “monarch,” using references to the monarchy five times in her impeachment statement and at least six times in the CNN town hall.

But Pelosi is taking the president out of context. The Trump comment about Article II is taken from a June interview with ABC News host George Stephanopoulos.

Trump said:

Look, Article II, I would be allowed to fire Robert Mueller. Assuming I did all of the things, I said I want to fire him. Number one, I didn’t. He wasn’t fired. Number one, very importantly, but more importantly, Article II allows me to do whatever I want. Article II would allow me to fire him. I wasn’t going to fire him. You know why — because I watched Richard Nixon firing everybody, and that didn’t work out too well.

Pelosi is hanging the case for impeachment on a badly misconstrued quote. As the duly elected president of the United States, Trump has the authority to hire and fire anybody in his administration.

Trump correctly cited his authority given to him by Article II to allow him to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, even though he never did. The president did not cite Article II to make the case that he was above the separation of powers in the Constitution.

@Captain_Feelgood I was actually referring to the video I watched of Trump saying it, not Pelosi.

@Jennw The point is that when considering the context, he's correct. And you are merely parroting the TDS induced rhetoric. 😒 Well done..

@Captain_Feelgood I feel like you have to listen to peoples word choice to see who they really are. Regardless of the context. Trump makes statements a lot that you would never hear come out the mouth of other presidents. He says things this way because he believes them, not just about the individual statement, but in general. It shows his general stature and beliefs. If you take all his statements and disregard for what is both ethical and legal, you see who he really is.

@Jennw Again,,, context is important. If what he says is true, (ie: I can do what I want, as in I can fire people if need be) then he's correct. The fact that 'never Trumpers' love to take statements like that and twist them around to sound like he's being tyrannical is the problem here.. If you don't like the words he uses, that's your problem.. It's no different than when Obama said the same thing, but with different phrasing. He said he could do what he wanted without legislation, he has a pen and a phone.. Remember that? Same thing,,, but I'm guessing you were cheering him on at the time.. pffft... what ever... we're done here.

@Captain_Feelgood I'm pretty certain when Trump said he could shoot someone and not lose votes, or that he could grab women by the pussy, it wasn't a context issue. And no, I didn't agree with everything Obama did. But Trump would be no less vile regardless of his party. Had he run as a Democrat, I would have voted Republican. It's not about party. He is a narcissistic tyrant.


As long as the republican party supports him, it will continue. It reminds me a little of the McCarthy era in the 50's.


It has been kinda working for him -- so far. 😛

Yes it has. I actually don't understand it at all.

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