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The day I become invested in a serious committed relationship is the day Donald Trump stops being stupid. The most annoying part of being single? People pitying me; women focusing on my kindness, men focusing on apperance. I LOVE to be alone and need my independence. Why do so many people automatically think that I'm so lonely without a man and that I MUST have someone?

In order for me to be in a relationship, the guy would have to be okay with living alone, not talking to seeing each other for months at a time (unless it's an emergency), and not smothering me.

The only guy I met, who is like me, lives all the way in New Jersey. I had a crush on him and he would be perfect. But he's my ex best friend's brother and that ship has sailed. Lol.

vjohnson51 7 Dec 16

Enjoy being online again!

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It sounds like, romantically speaking, you can live on the imagined fragrance of a long-ago memory -- so probably just thinking of the guy in NJ is enough for you in lieu of a "relationship". Anything closer would be bound to end in human contact and inevitable disappointment.


People often doom themselves by getting into a relationship for egotistical reasons, or they are blinded by some false image they develop of the other person, then when that other person steps outside of the clay mold that they were cast into, the person that created it feels like they were duped . . . . also, it seems to me that some people who get married become the biggest liars, they lie to themself, they lie to their other, and they lie to the world in general. The only couples I have ever noticed that seemed happy were the ones that had a mutual purpose like those who do charity work together, or something like that.

Damn . . . .I am editing this, I do not believe what I see . . . WTF is THIS shit doing on an Agnostic website? . . . it is like the religio-nazis just can't stay away, they are like cock roaches, they are everywhere! Look below at this fucking "thyself" shit! . . . . This site needs to be exorcised of the christian lingo . . . . .


You would love my sister’s marriage! She married a Swiss flight attendent, she lives and works in Monterey, CA. They see each maybe once every month or two when he gets a flight to San Francisco she drives up, they spend the night together and he’s back to work the next day. When he has vacation time and she can get time off they spend a week here and there together; in California, Switzerland or here in Lancaster PA. It will be interesting to see what happens when they retire and plan on living together full time! 😊


Sigh, I get it


I get it but for a different reason. Its coz I've lost hope to find a relationship


Maybe it's not our fault after all, for our inability to find partners. This is a different perspective indeed.


Most divorced/widowed women my age Never think those things, we Know we are happy "alone"


People who think others can't be happy without a partner are usually people with such low and/or misplaced self esteem that their best as just acquaintances, not good friends.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 16, 2019
2’s not just men...

Varn Level 8 Dec 16, 2019

"The day I become invested in a serious committed relationship is the day Donald Trump stops being stupid."

Oh, but his stupid will live on beyond the grave. And I'm not just talking his idiot spawn. I believe that stupid that fucking powerful will manifest itself physically. Like Slimer from Ghostbusters, but orange. I believe you need to be comfortable being single before you can be in a relationship, and (just judging from your posts) you seem to be there. I also think that there is still this antiquated bullshit belief that women NEED a man, and that just needs to die.Me? I've had a few wild weekends, but relationships have eluded me.


Being comfortable in one's own skin is the only way to live.

It makes one conscious of others, allows one to freely give and freely accept and generally makes for much more pleasant company.

That's been my experience, anyways...

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