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Is anyone else here also getting stupid complaints over this Netflix show? There's even a petition 🙄

TimeOutForMe 8 Dec 19

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The networks are starting to no longer fear the dreaded “religious boycott” since most of those sending hate mail don’t even watch TV to start with.

@MissKathleen and unfortunately they believe the one-sided nonsense on Fox


Nah! Just ignore it. It’ll be wrapping tomorrow’s fish and chips. Not worth the fuss.


Wilk' do Gay Muhammad next

Mean will they do gay Muhammed next? That would be interesting and perhaps slaughter of mankind. Look what happened with Charlie Hebdo?


I avoid religious drama like the plague but I must admit I'm semi interested to see 1 or 2 episodes....


The more they try to take it down the more they popularize it.


The more they try to take it down the more they popularize it.


Even if they get it right to have it removed, it will forever live on on the internet, so poo on them!

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