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Grrrrrr.... bah humbug!

I don't know what to say to people anymore. If I say "Merry Christmas", they wish me Happy Holidays. If I say "Enjoy Your Holiday", they say "Merry Christmas to you. WTH!!!!

I think I'm just gonna start saying "Merry F'n Whatever" to people

TheoryNumber3 8 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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The calendar is such alleged baby gawd was born 18 19 20 or 21 centuries ago


Just say "ditto" without meaning it...teaches them college punctuation


How very Christian of you to be offended when people don’t with your preferred greeting


you're over thinking this and you should be enjoying this time of year. Born into a non-religious family, we have no problem saying Merry christmas. I say it to the muslim or the Sikh down at the servo. To me, it has completely lost it's religious connotation as so many things have.

Look at the Japanese........They adore xmas, tho most are atheist. It is a time where family and friends get together and appreciate what they have. Tell your children it was based on a hippy who talked of the importance of peace and love & to be non-judgmental and that these things are more important than material gain.
Merry Xmas my friend 😀

I agree, but I'm just baffled by the backlash from indignant christians.

@TheoryNumber3 I know very few religious people as I live in Australia, so I admit I'm not feeling it like many Americans might. But inow I'm reflecting....Do you think I'm not being PC if I say 'merry xmas" to Hindus, buddhists, atheists etc? I, just like the Japanese, don't think of it in terms of religion. So we say 'merry xmas' without thinking religious significance. Is anyone here insulted to be greeted with "Merry Christmas". I gotta say I laugh when I get sent a card with a nativity scene since everyone knows I'm a rabid antitheist. I've got three this year and I think ppl who sent them are taking the piss. lol

@MsDemeanour I don't know the answer. I come from a Jewish family, but I used to say Merry Christmas to everyone unless I clearly knew they're Jewish. But, as I've said, I've had some reactions from the phony "War on Christmas" crowd. My feeling is "Have a good holiday" is safer, even if it pisses off some of the christians.

@TheoryNumber3 well we are never going to please all the people. You know, when I think of 'merry' I think of alcohol. Perhaps I'll start saying "have a drunken christmas". 😀

@MsDemeanour There ya go LOL

@TheoryNumber3 true theocrat xians are shoving religious lies up our noses


Happy Solstice … or nothing at all 🙂

Varn Level 8 Dec 20, 2019

I hear you. one that has worked for me is "peace".

oh there is no peace at christmas! First there is the stress of present buying....what to get for whom. And then the organisation especially if it is at your place. ie cleaning, ensuring seating, cutlery, rsvps, who sits next to who, how to juggle the extreme political views. And then there is the JOY. The getting together of friends and family, the laughter, shared jokes. Reminiscing on childhood pranks. Getting merry on wine and cocktails! Stress and joy from my perspective but never ever peace! lol


If I am feeling generous I use season's greetings, if not I say something akin to Yule tide felicitations, or enjoy saturnalia

I like Season’s Greetings. Covers all bases and, unless someone is particularly pedantic, is very difficult to find offensive and allows you to go on your way with little disturbance!

@Geoffrey51 You'd think so, but last year I said "Seasons Greetings" to someone and he gave me a dirty look and spit out a snarky "And Merry Christmas to you".

And Happy Festivus to the rest of us.

@TheoryNumber3 That is why you’ve got to love the ‘Season Of Goodwill’. It’s so all-embracing!

@Geoffrey51 Yes, just the way Christ would have wanted.

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