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Can we avoid insulting believers ?[]

Mcflewster 8 Dec 22

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No, it's bullshit period. They didn't care who they killed over their bullshit or who's life's they destroyed over their imaginary bullshit. We hates them, we hates them all, forever.


It's possible I normally don't, just don't foist your beliefs upon me or there will be problems

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 22, 2019

We can. Absolutely we can. Just don’t engage. It is pointless to involve oneself in any type of argumentative or debating discourse with those of faith. They are not going to influence me to back into Christianity and I am certainly not going to influence them to my way of thinking - unless of course they are truly confused and seeking answers.

You seem determined not to be re-converted back to any religion and you just have to believe that I am not trying to do that also. I hope some of the ideas on this site are helping you to have more confidence in talking to religionists that eventually we will win all over to our views. It will take a long time though.


I try not to get into arguments over religion. Experience shows that nothing I say will change anyone. Maybe those who argue have subconscious doubts about their stances, and are trying to resolve inner conflicts.

What I notice is that any mention of metaphysical subjects will elicit a barrage of vigorous emotional responses from certain people on this forum. It is just as irrational to cling to a materialist world view, steeped in scientism, as it is to cling to religious dogma.

Quite agree. ‘No Jesus’ is as emotionally charged as soteriological Jesus is for Christians with some posters here.

I wonder why that may be. I suggest you are in the fright track with your idea, Bill

There is no scientism only science.


People who believe childish things should be treated the way children should be treated: with love and good role modeling.

skado Level 9 Dec 22, 2019

NO to a large majority of believers our very existence is offensive and an insult, and by their scriptures we are deserving of death by the most horrendous means possible and eternal torture thereafter.
I find THAT insulting, but do not find it a reason to wish the same upon them, giving me I believe the moral high ground.
If there iddy biddy lickle feelings are hurt because I draw attention to the fact that their faith is without foundation, is reprehensible and evil then FUCK THEM, they need to grow up, start thinking and and stop relying on an imaginary friend to tell them how to live their mostly useless lives.


Better yet don't assert your sceptical views at all. Instead just set a good example of living life as a good human being, and if asked why, explain why you do it.

Second. Do not forget that the religions, churches and temples, 'WANT', their faithful to be insulted. That is especially why they send them out to evangelize. Because when they are insulted, that reinforces the indoctrination they are trying to plant, that the rest of the world is hostile, and that the only moral human people are those inside the church, mosque or temple, who follow the doctrine. If you insult them you are playing the churches game for them.


From the article : "Here’s the only workable approach I know: Be polite. Stay calm. Be reasonable. Don’t assert your doubt too forcefully. Instead, ask questions designed to make the believer see flaws in his or her faith. For example:"

From Mcflewster :In other words use your science brain

My experience......with some you can, with some you are rrduced to treating them like the sellsperson that won't take "I'm not interested" seriously, just closeing the door in their face is needed

@HankSherman I admit that it is a skill not to annoy religionists but in the long run it will be ONE of the requirements for abolishing religion.

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