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Richard Dawkins’ Belief Scale Scoring Rubric

Where do you land on Dawkins' Scale?

Strong Theist: I do not question the existence of God, I KNOW he exists.

De-facto Theist: I cannot know for certain but I strongly believe in God and I live my life on the assumption that he is there.

Weak Theist: I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God.

Pure Agnostic: God’s existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable.

Weak Atheist: I do not know whether God exists but I’m inclined to be skeptical.

De-facto Atheist: I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable and I live my life under the assumption that he is not there.

Strong Atheist: I am 100% sure that there is no God.

I'm a 6-7 on this scale

ashortbeauty 8 Mar 27

Enjoy being online again!

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De-facto Atheist: How can any scientist be 100% sure of anything? Even quanrtum probability density is still a "probability."

  1. While it is impossible to be 100%, I'm at the 99.9+ level if confidence that there is no god in the traditional sense, and it takes a very broad definition of a god for me to start dropping that figure by any substantial degree.

Depends on how one defines ‘god’ no god made humans, that is for certain; we made our gods in our own image.
Put me down for a hard 7




De-facto Atheist

This seems to be the most popular soonest us.


I'm a 5.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 27, 2018

7 all the way.


De-facto Atheist.


We already did this.

Ok and this time there are different people answering. It's about the convo & building knowledge

@ashortbeauty Exactly, some people are just rude. Not everyone has been here at the same time.

@balou search terms you're interested and comment on the original post. As per terms of service. Who is rude?

Read the tutorial! Lots of good stuff:

Search a topic first - With thousands of posts, it is likely that people have posted about similar things. We suggest reading a few similar posts before making a new one. You are also encouraged to comment on a similar post as that bumps it back into circulation.

@CallMeDave you addressed me but I'm not the one who called you rude. I know how to use a search. I've been on pcs since 1985. And I stand by what I originally posted that this brought out new people, new answers and some new knowledge to some. So you're welcome. ? And yes you're bordering on rude. Read before you blame.

@ashortbeauty you read. Instructions instead of taking over what isn't yours. I never said you called me rude. Read slowly this time.

@CallMeDave I. Don't. Care. Again read before you speak. I only mentioned that because you jumped to the conclusion that I had no idea what search meant. Which is asinine. Now move on. ❌

I hadn't done it before now. So,it's new to me. Leave the lady alone.


I'm a 6.9. I'm certain there is no god but give me scientific proof and I'd change my position.


Probably a de-facto athiest

Me too.


I would be called a strong atheist. I'm certain there is no God. Only the good and bad that men do to each other. Mostly in his name. Atrocities committed control population's or groups. Good and evil are real. I've seen worse than most. All I have to do is look around the world and the history books to know we are on our own.


Defacto. I cannot account for thing presented to me as supernatural but I have not experienced anything I would call supernatural. Therefore my actions and decisions are only based on naturalistic tenets.

Feel the same.

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