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“...scientific research suggests that you should adopt an ancient rhetorical method favoured by the likes of Julius Caesar and known as ‘illeism’ – or speaking about yourself in the third person”


I have been attempting this technique from time to time with good results. I have some ideas about why it works: Maybe it is because our bodily selves are temporary instruments with no true awareness or free will. Human bodies along with other organisms are very sophisticated instruments and feature sensory perception, emotion, and thinking. Though the body can function on its own to some degree, The higher self needs to step in from time to time and provide conscious oversight.

By addressing your bodily self in the third person you strengthen your identification with universal consciousness, enhancing your control of the robotic body of interest.

Yes, yes, it is woo, and I have no proof for this metaphysical idea. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to try the technique.

WilliamFleming 8 Dec 26

Enjoy being online again!

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That is a good idea, but I really do not know how to implement it.

I think you just practice thinking of your body as a robot with no more conscious awareness than a corpse. Reinforce those thoughts by referring to your bodily self as though it were your personal robotic servant, a rather unruly one that needs a firm hand. Of course most of the workings of your robot are beyond your control—you can only give general directions, as an army general would direct his divisions.

For example, Bill wanted to eat the entire bag of Christmas candy but I told him he could only eat a small amount each day. He is programmed to crave sugar and I have to consciously circumvent that. In a similar vein, I coax Bill into taking a daily walk and undergoing a meditation session. The meditation training is giving me control over its mental processes so it doesn’t go off on crazy useless and fearful fantasy trips.

I’m new at this also and am just learning. I’d be interested in hearing of your progress.


interesting. today I was contemplating the fact that I order my body around like a servant so I should probably do nice things for it too. good points here. thx for sharing it!!

Bill appreciates your support. 🙂

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