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What is the most outrageous stunt a politician has done in your country? Here in Australia, our most racist federal MP came dressed for parliament in a full burqa.

On another occassion, a right wing potential Prime Minister was snapped dressing in heels and fishnets. (This did not help his campaign).

I realise the Orange Man is a walking parody so it would be interesting if you can think of someone else, just for a change.

MsDemeanour 8 Dec 27

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Managing to blatantly lie to enough terrified, racists, homophobes and imbecile to not only win the brexit referendum but also to get himself elected prime minister.
A man who openly called Muslim women letterbox wearing bank robbers, homosexual men tank top wearing bum boys, instigated mad mad rules on business and then blamed the EU for them, and drove around in a bus claiming that £350million was being wasted on the EU every week and would on his watch be given to the NHS AND WAS CAUGHT OUT LYING AND PUBLICLY SHAMED FOR ALL OF THEM still got a majority of the country to vote for his openly fascist agenda.
Because Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson convinced them he is the workers friend!
If that is not outrageous I don't know and dread to think what is.


Great question, I cannot think of anything at the moment lol

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