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Welcome Spring! Now is the time for planting and gardening.
Not a fan? You can still plant a nominal amount of native Milkweed in your lot, not a whole lot. (The more, the better).
This will help the Monarch Butterfly population bounce back. America, I am asking for your help in my endeavor to save Danaus plexxipus, the Monarch Butterfly.
Thanx in advance, and happy planting.

Leafhead 8 Mar 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I miss my garden! I used 2 have mostly native north west plants, but I loved my honeysuckles and butterfly bush and wallflowers. The bees and butterflies and humming birds loved them! Do you have any suggestions for a potted garden that will help the pollinators?

Byrd Level 7 Mar 27, 2018

When it comes to pots, bigger is better with butterfly gardening. When I worked at the retirement home, I filled two barrels with dirt and planted Fennel. I got batches ranging between 15 to 35 caterpillars at a time, from the Eastern Black Swallowtail. Cosmos, Asters, Zinnias and Tithonias all make great patio plants and are full of nectar.

@Leafhead thank you! It keeps freezing here right when we think its over, but I can't wait 2 get started!

Tell me about it. Here in the Midwest we're not out of the Stix until mid May when it comes to Winter and freezing. Frustrating as hell. But I still usually see my first butterfly in late March early April (Mourning Cloak). I can expect American Ladies in mid to late April, and Swallowtail and Monarchs make their appearance in May. I miss the good old days gardening 365

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