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I just started “two paths” by John Kasich. I’m trying really hard to look past the constant references to prayer and the will of God. Again I cannot in good conscience vote republican simply because anyone that talks to God is delusional! I will finish the book though!

Joshuahenley 6 Mar 27

Enjoy being online again!

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He would've been my second choice, besides Bernie. Perhaps he's a bit delusional, but he seemed like the only other candidate who genuinely wanted to improve things.


Some of them are religious and some of them don't walk the walk, but they know that their voters do. Some of them are full of shit when they say they believe in God. The ones that do, have no right to let it spill over into their governing.


I think that is a very short sighted way of looking at people. Many great thinkers and leaders have been people who believed in god, I do not, but I don’t make choices in who I vote for based on their belief systems that have nothing to do with their public policy track record. And I think attacking people for their belief systems is total shit as well. As agnostics we have to get people to accept our way of life, we are the minorities on this planet. The masses will not accept us or entertain our validated science based belief system unless we can show we aren’t a threat to their beliefs or way of life. Also, don’t assume all agnostics are liberal in every respect. It’s a highly diverse group of people who pick and choose what they want to support politically and socially.

I’m sorry but if someone councils with God they are delusional. They’re susceptible to God telling them to do something wrong! Being in the minority doesn’t make us wrong. I make no assumptions of all atheists as liberal. However liberals do not have God or the Bible as a part of their party platform.


It's kind of ironic...I actually have a degree in Political Science but have never voted in an election...the system is broken...plain and simple.

Just because the system is broken, or not working as you prefer, shouldn't exclude you from your participation in the system. IMHO that is a reason the system isn't working.

Then you deserve whatever candidate is elected. 90 million people did not show up and do their civic duty in 2016. It’s disgrsceful. Do your job.

This is a very heated topic. Not sure I want to argue with some people lol

@jperlow mind your business

@jlynn37 and it's my right not to participate in a broken ass system

@Grant_Ballard I did not say it was not your "right". I said your non-participation is a reason the system isn't working. You do you and I do me.

@jlynn37 I bad

@Grant_Ballard To be clear, I agree with you that this government is totally "broken" and I can understand, and even relate to your attitude, as I feel the same at times, but also feel it can only be fixed by citizen participation in the electoral process (if you want it fixed). IMHO

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