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I deleted my level 7 profile and started again because data had been copied to a test website and profile information is available to the public. I’ve just googled again and my new posts on here are also publicly visibly on a site called humanist. This is appalling security.

GMDSK 3 Dec 29

Enjoy being online again!

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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all the sites have sister sites AFF has about 5

Hi WW. What's AFF? All the best, DM

@DeaconMartin adult friend finder or cheating wives or passion its got several names its a sex site lol

Thanks WW. Does it actually work? Are there real people involved?

@DeaconMartin yea ive been there long time and I meet lots of real men and women and talk to new ones everyday.... a few are still friends you have to decide what you want and what is safe for you and be careful of course ....and its way harder for men women r often teases or fake
but yea It works better for some than others


You can change it in your settings to not have your info put on


Hi, I think you can say on settings/preferences that you do not include “” website

You can and I have. In the beginning the site supported both the Humanist and Freedom From Religion Foundation. I also supported these groups and often made pitches for them but recently have become disillusioned with the Humanist but still fully support FFRF. I, with another member from this site, went to their convention in San Francisco. All their conventions are great fun, well attended and have famous people (Salmon Rushdie was at the San Fran convention). The next one will be in San Antonio (I will attend and have some fun with my sister who is a JW and lives in the area. Do you know of FFRF?

@JackPedigo yes, I learned about FFRF on this site 🙂

@KittensandSage I am an 'after-life' member and a big promoter. Would you consider joining? Would you consider going to one of their conventions? I was a member but not had gone to a convention. When one was held in Seattle I had no excuse and went. Got hooked and have gone to most ever since. They are fun and empowering.

@JackPedigo hi, I will check it out, probably not this year, but
I’ll educate myself. What do you like about it? Is there a best site, or is it a .com?

@KittensandSage No .com but .org. It has been rated by Charity Navigator as one of the top (4star) groups for 10 years. It is the biggest and, by far, the most active group in the country and travel a lot internationally. Ask LucyLoo about it. I cannot recommend any group as highly, in our secular area, as FFRF. [] I know there are other members on this site that are members. Please check it out. You don't have to be a member at this time but if you truly care for our position you will want to get involved.
What I like: tons of important information and they are fun. I feel I can make a real difference being a part of this group + they have printed a bunch of my letters.

@KittensandSage BTW: At one time I was offering to pay for members to join. Worked with both agnostic and FFRF and we almost got something going but some details got in the way. If an agnostic member wants I will pay for a years membership. It's that important to me.

@JackPedigo wow, thank you. I will find out more tomorrow., it must be very good, to have you as such a strong advocate.

@KittensandSage Lol, you have no idea.

@JackPedigo i am interested in becoming a member, but as you've assessed, am on a budget. ate you sure you dob't mind?

@KittensandSage Absolutely don't mind. I'll msg you tomorrow.


Your profile is safe with me!
Why are you so concerned with security?
Are you an insurrectionist? Something even more subversive?
If so, I applaud you, sir!


Are you worried? I welcome the opportunity to enlighten the lost.


I'm not 100% sure yet if I've been able to replicate, but if any old person can just web-search and read your profile, then even if you are using a pseudonym, then I agree, that's not appropriate privacy or security for this site.

As to mirroring on, I didn't know that either, thanks for the heads-up.

kmaz Level 7 Dec 30, 2019
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