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A friend asked me today that, " if you were forced to live without one of your senses, which one would you give up"? I replied with hearing. Which one would you give up? Hearing, smell, taste, touch or sight.

JayJackson 7 Mar 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Taste, it is the one that makes me the least vulnerable if lost. ie the others protect me more.


whoa....probably smell, at 52 I pretty much know what things smell like, and just think of all the bad smelling things you would give up as well. BONUS!


I have never had a sense of direction, so it would be the first one I would say 'Take it away' to. 🙂


Taste one so I could start eating healthier and I can't go without Rock'N'Roll and Metal it means the world to me and saved my life.

My brother, heres to you being here.


I would pick taste, therefore I would only eat to live and keep the pounds off!

All other senses are essentialto me.

A lot of people say smell, but our sense of smell is linked to our memory and many animals, including ourselves use smell for so many other things. Like the phrase "something smells fishy". It feels related to our instincts.


I rely on sight as a photographer, I need my hearing because I love music, lack of touch is too strange to even consider. I can see certain advantages to having no sense of taste - I'd never have to taste avocado, sprouts or meat.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 27, 2018





I think smell, but it's making me feel very happy that it's not a decision that I have to take.


Smell. This place is beginning to stink most of the time anyway.


Smell. It's our least important sense as humans and we can live well enough without it. Plus I wouldn't have to smell the dog's stinky farts anymore ??

Nomad Level 6 Mar 27, 2018

Sense of humor. I don't have it anyway.

Jagga Level 4 Mar 27, 2018

Lies! Lol, you do 2!


Smell, I guess. I love music and talking to people. Blindness would rob me of a lot of board games and visual art. To not feel things with a touch would probably lead me to hurt myself or others, and I would miss the feeling of a warm embrace or other meaningful touches. While the smell of a good meal or flowers would be missed and there is the potential for danger, I would rather lose that than the taste of a kiss or good food.


I think I would give up Smell
I would find losing any other sense quite unbearable

Hazel Level 4 Mar 27, 2018
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