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I'm seeing the year 2020!!! Wow!! I never thought I would live to see the year 2000. I was really overweight for over 35 years. I smoked for over 40 years, sometimes up to 3 packs a day. Near the age of 45 I had two surgeries and developed diabetes. For most of my first marriage, the situation was one of constant, often bitter conflict and constant needless stress. Additionally, I threw myself into my work with great intensity, working 60 to 80 hours a week and often creating much added stress.

I was genuinely surprised to see the year 2000, But I developed high blood pressure and high cholesterol in 2002. At the age of 69 I had a heart attack and had a pacemaker put in. But I have had my weight well under control since then -- and generally my blood sugar.

I expected to be pushing up daisies long before now, not still going to the gym 3 days a week and moving some 33 tons of weight in total each 75 minute workout. It ain't getting easier, though.

wordywalt 9 Jan 1

Enjoy being online again!

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This is a success story. Congratulations on
your overall attitude to LIFE - healthy eating/lifestyle and going to the gym.
As you get older consider slowing down on the heavier workouts at gym. It can be bad for your joints. ...also we rely on our spine to keep the rest of our body together. See a biokineticist maybe twice a year for stretching exercises and carry that through. Keep up the healthy eating, stretching and walking. There's plenty apparatus at the gym that can help you with stretching and toning for you to get the desired results. I had to slow down on my running (had to get in-soles as a calcaneal spur formed under my right foot) now walking the 5km instead is recommended, or sitting back at gym and cycling for 20 mins and spinning my arms for 15 mins and a whole lot of stretching that's more kinder to my body to get the results. ...and continue the eat-to-live approach and NOT the live-to-eat approach.
There's no doubt your attitude towards healthy eating and fitness added to your years. You're not too far from 100, you can do it! WELL DONE👍

@wordywalt look what this 82yr old American from New York got up to. I liked her humour right until the end..."if im going to hell, I'm taking him with me".

@TimeOutForMe Love it!

I walked 3 to 5 miles a day for well over 30 years, but had to give it up about 5 years ago due to worn hips and to increasing angina. Weight routines are the best option I have left.


I think I'm also kind of surprised to see 2020.

@bingst why are you "surprised" at age 53 (age as per your profile) that you made it to 2020? Im curious. Did you expect to die? for what reason? Did you suspect that an asteroid would've wipe you (us) out? Are you living your life on the edge? For what reasons are you "surprised" to be alive to see 2020?

...when I was at school we were asked to write about what we think would happen in the year 2000. I wrote about poverty, diseases, drought, worldwide over population, one currency etc. ...but I also wrote about scientific discoveries, human beings life being pro-longed, our environment, space travel, technology etc

... yes at age 14, I saw the age of 50 as being old. My mother was 41 yrs old and I wondered how long she was going to be around for? Yet when I turned 50, I felt 30 (and I was flattered when some thought I even looked 30) and it took me back when I was a teenager when I thought 50 was old.

...when my younger son was in prep school, He was in Gr 2. I fetched him from his aftercare centre after work. As we were driving home, he asked me how old I was, I said 45. He sat in the back this day, he must've been tired. There was a silence after I told him my age. The next i heard he was crying. I asked him what happened? I stopped the car. He said I was going to die soon. I asked who told him that? He explained they were doing the number line in class that day and it went to number 50.... ...and I can just imagine what went through his head when I said 45 (truthfully).

I could've understood if my older son asked me that, as he is 14 yrs older than my younger son and was in university at the time. ...then again I had my younger son at 37 and his number line went to 50 😅. He's in university now and I reminded him about that day a few times over the years and he would hug me and say just don't quit on me.

I wonder what teachers say in the class. Perhaps they're past their sell-by dates 🤣 including their syllabus.

@TimeOutForMe I was 63. I am not sure why. I guess I felt that I had burned a lot of my candle, and that my bad habits would catch up with me.

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