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I've been under treatment for depression for 20 years or so with mixed results. My current Shrink offered Neurostar treatment. They use magnetic pulsing similar to what you get in an MRI via transmitters on the side of my head every day for six weeks. It stimulates the white matter, the gray matter, and hypothalamus & amygdala to wake up. These areas of the brain control emotions, speech, memory and mood. I'm on week 4 and decided it was not working for me. Then, boom. I woke up one morning and felt good. I find myself going out more often and speaking to people I bump into. Strangers, not peeps I know. I'm afraid to admit it to the Fam or friends, in case it craps out. For the moment, though, I'm remembering the animated, smart ass, funny person I used to be, and considering letting myself out of my self imposed isolation. I'm still excluding the Trumpsters. Talking to them is worse than talking to Christians.

ForTheBirds 6 Jan 9

Enjoy being online again!

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It is refreshing to read that your health problems are abating. Keep doing what works for you.
I've heard that some people sleep with magnets and they wake up fully rested and full of energy.


That's great . Live big!


Very happy to hear this is working for you.


Where do you find this?

My Shrink brought it up when I was really at the end of my rope. I'd doubled up on my meds with no relief. My insurance covered it, so I started. Google Neurostar. Then hit it with research and see how it sounds for you. I've done chemo and rads so nothing scares me anymore. It doesn't feel good, but it does not hurt at all. Good luck to you. I did not expect anything to work for me.


I 've know a person or two who had this with varying results. Most do report change for a significant period of time. I sincerely hope it helps you.

You might enjoy this group "Mental Health Support "

I can't even stand Group Therapy. Listening to other people attempt to express themselves either irritates me or makes me impatient. I'm not a good listener if they are boring, and have little desire to expose anything personal about me. This arena suits me to some extent. I say more than I usually would to anonymous peeps I will never meet.

@ForTheBirds It's the same as here - we don't do group therapy - we're simply people supporting each other online.
It's simply the group's intended purpose. 🖖


There are some people , I think in Oregon. that have used mushrooms successfully. so they say. But I'm not familiar enough to speak knowledgeably about it. But you may want to research it.

I was considering Ketamine ( Vitamin K on the streets) but it was very expensive and not covered by my insurance. This magnet treatment is doing far better than I expected, and I will be finished by the end of the month. The rest will be up to me. I may volunteer for Girl Scouts, and many opportunities will pop up as the election grows closer. I do not project much for the future. Just getting older.

@ForTheBirds I think trump and his people contribute to making people depressed

@Buddha I believe there will be a wave of suicides should he worm his way out of impeachment and win another 4 years. I have to change channels constantly to avoid his face, voice or the hand gestures as it is. I'm buying fireworks in case this farce of a trial impeaches him. That would be something to celebrate.


I hope it doesn't crap out. Keep us posted. I've heard of this kind of treatment. I'm interested in knowing how it pans out long term.

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