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<img src="[]; alt="The Effect Of An Upcoming Merger Can Already Be Seen In The Milky Way"/>
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Milky Way is merging with another galaxy which will change color of the stars. not to the naked eye.

freeofgod 8 Jan 13

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Also interesting to me is that in following the links I found no mention of red shift, the method long used for measuring velocity in the cosmos. Instead, I saw “spectral analysis”, “astrometry” and other lengthier references to such measurement.

So what?

Add to the above that yesterday (January 14th) at San Francisco’s Morrison Planetarium, the live speaker referred to alterations to cosmology’s Standard Model, aka the Big Bang. The part of the presentation that was recorded years ago explicitly referred to the standard model.

Paraphrasing Sherlock Holmes, the electric universe game is afoot.

For info download the free PDF at There’s faster breaking news in the Forum section of the current news. An excerpt:

“Considering the fact that astronomers claim to be actual "scientists", you'd think that they'd be the first ones to jump all over that redshift observation in the lab, but NOOOOOOO! OMG what a joke BB theory has become now. Lambda-CDM is 96 percent metaphysical BS and only 4 percent actual physics. Worse yet, their whole basis for claiming that expansion/acceleration has ever been "observed' has been stripped from them entirely. The only thing they actually ever "observed" were redshifted photons and there is already a very simple, very empirical, already demonstrated CAUSE for that phenomenon.

”The mainstream may not know it yet, but Big Bang theory was actually falsified by those plasma redshift observations in the lab. The mainstream doesn't have an empirical leg to stand, and not even a good "explanation" for redshift on anymore. Plasma redshift observations from the lab are the sayonara song of mainstream theory IMO. It's just a matter of time....“


Space dust headed our way in 2 million years ?


I saw this just the other day. By it's timeframe I don't think any of us have anything to worry about.


Here's the correct link. No need to worry or put this galactic event on your calendar... it's a bit far in the future. In case this link still fails due to the abbreviation by this site, stuff like that is super-easy to find... just Google the name of the article.



Sooo what's happening? Cuz the link ain't workin so good.


It didn't come up. (That's what she said!) 🙂 I'm sorry. It just never gets old. 😉

Try something else....

That one always works in so many situations and every once in awhile you just have to throw one in. 🙂

@AnneWimsey Prayer. lololol

@freeofgod prayer, yeah, that's the ticket.......

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