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I need to get back into stand-up comedy! Went to a local show last night to support a homeless shelter....the "comedians" were just Gawdawful! No timing, incoherent, Not Funny, so not funny it was embarrassing. i could just talk about random stuff that happened to me, to friends at a restaurant & get lots more laughs.

AnneWimsey 9 Jan 17

Enjoy being online again!

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The hardest job in show business.

But, I can do it for enjoyment, not to pay the bills... Huge difference!

@AnneWimsey I'm not talking about the money. I'm talking about if the audience isn't into what you are doing it is the hardest job in show business. In a band you can just get into the music. Even a solo artist at can get into the music. Granted it is harder if their is no one to share it with. If you are a comic and they aren't really laughing it is hard to just get into the joke. It takes stones to do that.

@Sticks48 I have done it and was Extremely disappointed that as a white-haired senior-looking woman I could not get heckled....I am fairly "quick" and I WANTED to have give & take, but nooooooo. I got laughs, no probs, just talk about my life, but not what I wanted in terms of stimulation/fun.

@AnneWimsey Where do you do this? Do they have an open mic you go to?

@Sticks48 there used to be a group of wanna-bees that met once a week in New London, then the place was sold. Then the organizer lined up some stuff......then I lost touch for awhile, not sure what they have going on now, but going to find out!

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