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I am quite happy with spending my Sunday here in bed alone with my computer, a book and breakfast in bed. Looking out of my window, seeing the birds at the bird feeder, just dreaming my day away.......and talking to you lot.

Jolanta 9 Jan 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I’m all for doing whatever it is that makes us happy. I’m glad that we figure in your enjoyment! I have had days very similar myself.


Are you getting your welcome rain ?

We had 1/2 hours of rain on Friday and last night it rained for 3/4 of an hour. Unfortunately in some places they have flooding and some had thunderstorms that started new fires. But I loved the sound of the rain last night on my roof.


Sounds good to me. It's still Saturday here.


Still raining I hope? I'm thinking about the animals there.

No, it was just raining for 1/2 hour where I am. Other places had a lot of rain and thunderstorms. Unfortunately those thunderstorms started new fires. We are expecting some rain today and tomorrow perhaps.

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