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Bill Maher interview with Nancy Pelosi at the start of his 18th season.

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Robecology 9 Jan 18

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My #2 favorite people in USA!!😎



Excellent show. She is pretty sharp.


Saw this and was impressed AGAIN with Nancy Pelosi's calm and purposeful focus. She managed to shut down Bill's insults toward the GOP by simply reminding him "Don't worry about that now. We have to learn to talk to one another." She's right! The important thing is to get rid of the pustule and his minions and then....then...heal the division between us.

For all Bill’s brilliance in producing a show like this, I totally agree with you...he can be too caustic. He’s said it himself right before the Thanksgiving break; “Let it go”.

Let it go, Bill.

@Robecology RIGHT! Have you noticed he's constantly interrupting his guests? I think the break was helpful for him, as he managed to restrain himself with Nancy.

@LucyLoohoo Good point! I had noticed his constant “interjections”....he does it - and still did it - with his panel...but he let Nancy speak. Good observation!

@LucyLoohoo ...your bio says you’re that correct?

@Robecology Nope! I lied! 🙂

@LucyLoohoo Darn; I was going to ask you what your secret to longevity was...nevermind.

@Robecology Well--my wonderful Aunt Helen died last year at the age of 105. She was often asked for the secret of her longevity and she'd say this...she had two secrets. The first? Never REALLY ''sit down." Keep busy, keep moving, keep learning. The second? Always expect the best--from people and from situations. (This one's difficult.) But it makes sense.

Is that helpful?

@LucyLoohoo Aahhh ha! I love the wisdom of the aged...Thanks! She must have been truly a "wonder-full" person....I don't use that word too often....I save it for special folk...I bet she was special. There's footsteps I want to follow.

And BTW...did you know that Nancy is a fit and active 79 year old woman? I bet she makes it to 100!

@Robecology Aunt Helen walked every morning...and she was FAST! There's a lot to be said for that kind of energy. Her curiosity was absolutely vibrant! She was interested in everything and everyone. I hope I have her genes. I didn't realize Nancy will be 80 this year...WOW! Impressive, especially considering she's doing a job better than anyone else in Congress...other than Adam Schiff.

@LucyLoohoo Thanks. I’ll add brisk AM walks to my repertoire!

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