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Kangaroos looking for food and something to drink at the back of my house.

Jolanta 9 Jan 19

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I learned today that the Association of Zoo Keepers chapter at Los Angeles Zoo just sent off a $17,000 donation. Wish there were 6 more zeroes after that figure! We are so VERY sorry!

Thank you

@Jolanta Of course! So many unique, endangered and vulnerable animals have been lost! From the zoo-keeper perspective, a small breeding stock of echidnas, wombats, Tas. devils, greys, reds, sugar gliders, etc, are in zoos. Maybe down the road, we can help.

I just can't imagine how awful it must be!


Are they suggesting people put anything out for them? I would think water would be helpful if you can spare it.

They must all be confused as heck with all the displacement going on.

They are right there aren't they? We only ever see things like deer that up close to our homes. Okay and sometimes black bears (not me - not yet).

There is nothing to eat for them because of the fires, the drought and the Government letting big businesses steal water for bottling

@Jolanta I'm so sorry. That's going to be more terrible by the day.


I take it coming this close to your house is unusual?

, I live on a mountain and they live there. Canberra is a “ bush” capital so we have a lot of them here unlike Sydney or Melbourne. Thi sis of course not in the city centre, far too many buildings.


Hope you gave them some water!!

Yes, most people in my street have big vessels for them to drink from in their front yards


What kind of things do they like to eat?

They are vegetarians, so mainly grassroots

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