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The reason I answered that there's a 50% God exists is that I really don't think it matters. More specifically, since the existence of God can neither be proven nor disproven, the matter of God's existence is an act of faith. I hold atheism and religionism equally as forms of faith. I prefer to be logical and be agnostic; not because i doubt in the existence of God, but because I don't think it matters.

Oscar_C 5 Jan 26

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Even if there is a god or gods that exist, they are not activly involved in the affairs of man. So they would be defined as deist gods. As that is obviously the case it does not matter if they did exist.


Oh good, the great athiest/agnostic debate about the proper way not to believe.

1of5 Level 8 Jan 27, 2020

@Oscar_C no, meaningless philosophy.


With all those “I this” & “I that’s” … I shouldn’t care. But as an Atheist, your insinuation that it’s the equivalent of a religion is ..Bullshit 😉

Varn Level 8 Jan 27, 2020

@Oscar_C Yeah. You're right. We're not liars and con men looking for money and a tax write off. LOL


I totally agree. Great attitude!


You make absolutely no sense. If it doesn't matter, why bring it up.

@Oscar_C Not for me. I don't ponder Santa or the Easter Bunny either. I don't ponder things that don't exist. Pondering the shit that does exist is tiring enough. Non belief is not belief. Which the words clearly state. That ain't complicated. Belief, now that's complicated.

@Oscar_C Something that doesn't exist, doesn't exist. You are trying to go deep with me with a subject that has no depth for me. If it does for you, that is fine with me. It is just not something I ponder, just as with Santa and the Easter Bunny.

@Oscar_C No, its nonsense from a religious viewpoint by the ignorant.


Atheism as a form of faith? That's a new one... Being atheist simply means not religious... Anything added to this definition is pure nonsense ...

@Oscar_C Thanks for pointing that out to people who have been on a site called for years. We didn't know that.

@Oscar_C What does that mean?

@Oscar_C literal definitions are fine but common usage is a different story...


Atheism is NOT faith. It is based on science and what we DO know.
God is based on nonsense and faith.
It matters because the population makes its decisions and votes on their "faith".
Thats the problem.
Not to mention, the abuses by the "church".

@Oscar_C That's not what science does.
Can science prove I'm not seeing invisible dragons in my garage christian?

@Oscar_C MRIs do not read content of the mind... Mind reading hasn't been invented yet...

@Oscar_C Bullshit. We can only tell which portions of the brain are active.

@Oscar_C Evolution disproves "god".


Quite agree. Both ideologies seem to get caught up in bashing each other.

Let’s get on with life as if god doesn’t matter one way or the other. No need to fight a corner really.

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