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Unfortunately Dershowitz, has now said that if a President deems it in the public’s interests that he wins the election he can do anything to make sure he wins! So basically it seems there is nothing that is Impeachable!

mayflowercats 4 Jan 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Absolutely, loves the sound of his own voice!


I have watched most of the live coverage House/Senate. NO ONE has said nothing is impeachable. The disagreement(s) are about where the line is drawn.

Yes, Dershowitz said that yesterday, I also heard him, clear as day, I’ve watched or listened to all of it, Dershowitz tried to clear his statement today, but it’s too late! He said that if the President feels that’s it’s in the best interests of the republic that he gets re- elected, he’s allowed to interfere in the elections however he wants in his favour!


Idiotic premise paving the way to dictatorship

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 30, 2020

It sounds like we need to unimpeach Nixon then.


Dershowitz is and always has been an idiot. He just likes being on TV. There are few things more dangerous than short ugly men with power. The fact that he is on the faculty at Harvard should make one question just how good a Harvard education really is.


Classic Dershowitz

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