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With 8,000-Plus Deaths in U.S. Alone, Flu Far More Deadly Than Coronavirus.

This is something I read just today. I guess I need to get a flu shot for my kids and me.

AstralSmoke 8 Jan 30

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Good idea. I used to get the flu almost every year. Over 15 years ago I started getting an annual flu shot and haven't had it since. There is a reason people on average live longer. It is called MODERN MEDICINE!

I can't say my record with the flu vaccine has been so stellar, but it is definitely worth the little extra effort and money to save myself a weeks worth of illness. The strand that is prevalent this year is supposed to be extremely difficult for kids, so I'll try to get that done this weekend. Knoxville, just two hours north of us has already had school closings due to the flu!

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