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Just because I am an atheist does not mean I subscribe to all of the hardcore Liberal policies people push these days. I am skeptical of everything, nothing is immune to scrutiny, you MUST provide evidence before making your claim. That is the nature of SCIENCE!

Lexros_Rayzr 4 Nov 21

Enjoy being online again!

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And just because I am a liberal doesn't mean I subscribe to the political agenda of the regressive left. A liberal is someone who is in favor of the founding values of the U.S and modern Europe (the West) such as democracy, freedom of speech, and the respect of individual rights.

Thats a fair statement. And by all accounts I'd say you and I fall into the catagory of "classic liberal" rather than modern.


Ok a couple of things. First hard work does not pay dividends. Dividends came from investments. This is important to note because it shows you are working class but you are aligned with the Capitalist class. That is akin to a cow supporting the folks eating steak.
Secondly you say that liberals and feminists need to prove their point before stating their case, but was what about the conservatives? Have you ever questioned why you follow them so blindly?

I don't follow conservatives...and your assumption of me being on the other side just because I don't agree with your side, is precisely the problem our politics have these days. Im not on your side, or the other. I question everybody, including you.

Btw, I'm not 100% capitalist either. You can't use 1 word to describe me.


Just curious what your idea of "hardcore liberal policies" are. Real question.

I don't differ to the point of having predominantly conservative ideals. I am a globalist for starters and I am more empathetic than most, however I do believe that hard work pays dividends, while being mindful that the system is at times rigged against us. I am also not a follower of modern feminism, and prefer a more egalitarian approach, I do not feel shame for being born the way I am, and don't believe I have "privilege". Yea I got lucky, doesn't mean I should feel bad for it.

@Lexros_Rayzr. Thanks for the c/p double post reply. Neither here nor there I suppose.
I was just wondering what your idea of "hardcore liberal policies" are in this oligarchy we mislabel a democracy/republic.

It's also disheartening the amount of lack of understanding with the term "feminism", what was "pre modern" feminism?
Feminism's core principle are body autonomy, pay and opportunity equity. I find it repugnant that anyone, male or female or anything in between has issue with those points.

I don't have any problem with body autonomy, or equal opportunity. What I have a problem with, are strawman arguments and bogus narratives. And I'll just put this out now, I am very much an MRA. Not because I'm a vile woman hater, but because I'm tired of the negative image men get these days thanks to 3rd wave feminism.

Let me be very clear, I do not hate women or think of them as less than me, but I do not tolerate the thought of pulling men down, to prop women up, it is utterly wrong and not logical.


Nothing wrong with being skeptical. More people should be skeptical. I consider myself a moderate liberal and an atheist. But being liberal is more about social views (opinions) and has little to do with science (in my opinion). Though I'm not sure what "hardcore liberal policies" specifically refers to.

I'm not aware of any liberals that want you to be ashamed of your gender or race. I'm a white male and I feel no shame about that. How can I be ashamed of something that I had no control over? It would be no different than being bigoted toward someone because they were born black or gay or because of the country they were born in.

You'd be surprised just how far regressive left policies can go.


Atheists and Agnostics can just as easily be Conservative. Hopefully not to the point of throwing science out the window.




Have you come across people who have asserted that you should subscribe to hardcore liberal policies just because you're an atheist?

Watching Armored Skeptic has taught me about "Atheism+" and the hardcore feminist ideals that follow suit. I don't believe in shaming anybody, and theres no such thing as "reverse racism", just racism, against anybody. Misandry is also a big issue I focus on, and the fact men can indeed be victims like anybody else. It saddens me that a lot of atheists are thrown under the banner of hardcore liberal, they, to me, have completely discarded their reasonable beliefs, favoring a narrative over evidence.


Non-religious people , such myself , may hold a wide array of political views. I mean it's not as if we're like the inverse of the religious right , in which we are of a particular political alignment due to our position on the question of religion , or vice versa .


If being tolerant of difference and pursuing economic policies that are shown to WORK (unlike conservative trickle-down policies, which we've been experimenting with since Reagan and have thus killed our middle class) isn't consistent with science, I don't know what is.

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