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Just curious

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swantech72 3 Feb 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I find them to be mostly pathetic. No joy to be found.


While it is true that that which is ridiculous is worthy of ridicule, it is ideas that I ridicule when they are non-falsifiable ... not people.

The religious are particularly good at conflating the two, but that is their problem, not mine.

Besides, I usually can't be arsed to even address their tired fallacies in real life, and often online, anyway. It's tiresome and generally pointless.

The nice thing about the online world is that in most online communities, somewhere north of 90% of people are just lurking and never or seldom participate. I try to be there for those folks, many if not most of whom are seriously questioning their beliefs. I try to provide the kind of information and thinking I wish I had encountered more of online when I was leading up to and in the midst of my deconversion.

So if I'm ever taking a theist to task it is not because I labor under the delusion I'm apt to change their mind (or at least, anytime soon). It is, to borrow a NT phrase, the "great cloud of witnesses" I actually care about.


Why would anyone want to make fun of anyone anyway.

Just shows a sense of insecurity in yourself.

Its usually not funny anyway, unless the relater is Billy Connolly or Bill Hicks!


Both. If they truly walk the walk, I don't. If they are the hypocrites most of them seem to be, I will mock them, shame them, and show them much disdain.

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