I fail to understand how the (allegedly) Greatest Nation on Earth (i.e. the United States of America) is currently being run by white supremacist God Mobsters. Can anybody please enlighten me?
Thanks in advance.
The USA has never been any sort of "Greatest Nation". We have a ridiculously, stupidly overpowered military, that's all. Our government carries a big stick (and likes to whack people with it). Nearly half our citizens are under-educated rubes who only think the USA great because they don't know any valid comparisons. Those of us who have been outside the country (or can comprehend anything past middle-school level) know better.
I hesitate to compare us with North Korea, simply due to the quantifiable difference, but ... well ... the USA has what amounts to a State-run propaganda arm in the Fox network. Millions of people (my mother and sister among them) get ALL their "news" from either Fox or Trump's tweets or the bewildering plethora of right-wing-nut-job websites and pod casts. Trump has bullied those around him into kowtowing to his insanity, and those he couldn't bully, he fired. He's instituted a loyalty test for anyone who works in the Executive Branch. I honestly don't have a sufficient vocabulary to fully convey my disgust and loathing for Trump. He is one of the worst humans ever to hold a position of power, and is systematically dismantling the Rule of Law here.
Apart from Trump himself, the Republican Party has sold its soul to Capitalism. They are doing everything they can to consolidate their positions at the top of the money heap, and to Hell with the rest of us. They are no kind of patriot, though they like to wear the term like a badge. And they are willing and able (eager, even) to sacrifice humans, the environment, the Rule of Law, our future, and the very concept of Truth on the altars of their greed. Yes, Trump has racked up over 16,000 lies since he started squatting in the White House, but the Republicans have aided and abetted and shielded him.
Why, you ask, would sane people do this? That's easy, if unsettling: Money, power, position, and prestige drive the 1%. But ... The chance to pretend to be better than others drives the rest of his cult. And the really weird thing, the one fact that confused me above all others, was that frequently those who were being hurt the most by Trump's policies and lies and betrayal are among his most loyal supporters. It truly beggars description. That there are fifty million voters in this country who still favor Trump is one of the greatest shames of our age. History will not be kind to the USA.
You are sooooo very right.
...and thank you for saying it.
The USA military is their biggest bullying power.
I've been to various states and I second you on the poor literacy levels. Those that haven't stepped foot out of the USA, think it's planet earth
Bugs, angl. Bugs in the computer code and bugs in the walls of our houses. And in the stomachs of our bodies etc. etc.
People are gods in certain ways, but merely wrathful deities at the best average.
Thank you for disrupting my thinking processes. I get it now: bugs in (what passes for) their brains.
Alamanda just posted something that answered this far better than anything. [agnostic.com] Corporations and governments have no interest in education because education teaches you not to want, and without wants, you will not buy goods from the corporations or treats and promises from the governments.
And without education democracy is useless.
Can’t imagine how America imagined itself the Greatest Nation on Earth.
What premise is that based on? Clearly flawed
Anglo-European based racism, rampant gun crime, warmonger of the world.
No accolades from this corner!