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Do you know how to nurture your love ones? If so give examples.

Bodhichick 5 Mar 29

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Listen when they talk. Learn to communicate in meaningful ways. Each human is different & has his or her own unique and special needs, preferences and accomodations.


Empathy, Attention & Respect. A hug, a touch, a kiss on the forehead, an encouraging word, humor. Listen to Learn/Learn to Listen. Nurturing, especially in early childhood is essential to raising happy and emotionally healthy adults. It's not just abuse that derails development, but the lack of emotionally nurturing parents and other adults.


There is only my kids, they are in their 30s now. We do a lot together, sometimes we will go to the beach at night and decide to sleep there, always lying back against a sand dune, one kid resting their head on each shoulder.


Hugs, kisses, cuddles, listening without judgment.

@stdojo How does this have to do with nurturing loved ones?

@bleurowz Ahh, sorry and thank you bleurowz. I think I was skipping back and forth and got my questions/answers/comments/thoughts/responses/tirades mixed up. I have deleted that.

@stdojo no problem 🙂


My special needs daughter likes to hug mom and cuddle on the couch/lots of physical contact.


Every time I see my mom. She's usually in some state of paranoia or crying so I calm her down but have always hugged a loved one when I see them.


I dont, I only know me.


I tell my daughter that I love her every chance I get, I hug her, I help her with her hw, I ensure she’s fed, bathed, combed..... yeah. I think I know how.


Learn about the things they care about. Spend time listening to and hearing their story, what they did at school or about their day out/ at work. Spend time doing things that they enjoy, even if you feel you're too old to spend an hour trampolining 😉


Give massages and have deep meaningful conversations nurturing the mind and the body works a treat.


I was born a nurturer, it took me until the recent years to realize that not everyone has that ability or was taught to love in that way. It's all the little thoughtful things, like making the coffee just the way they like it. Cooking beautiful food. Creating a warm and pleasant home. Back rubs, foot rubs. I bathed my babies and my husbands (sometimes). When my fam or friends would be hurt or sick, I would give them extra attention and care. To me it is important to love AND be loved in these kinda careing ways.

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