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I am almost to Level 7. Should I break out the champagne and cupcakes?

Organist1 8 Feb 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Here have a few points. And welcome to the sad persons who spend too much time on line club.



Are you there yet?... 🥂🧁🥂...

Not quite, but just a couple of hundred points to go. Maybe tomorrow.


I suggest 360 Double Chocolate vodka, available at Total Wine 🙂

lerlo Level 8 Feb 10, 2020

The chocolate part sounds especially enticing!

@Organist1 Aldis has chocolate wine and it's cheaper.

@Lorajay I have a decent bottle of cabernet sauvignon and some chocolate chip rice cakes. That might have to do!

@Organist1 Cheers😍

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