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According to the Gospel, Jesus Christ once said: "Love your enemies like you would love yourself" or something like that. Does anybody believe in this principle? I don't know if I am too rational but I cannot conceive loving a person who wants to see me dead or hates me so much that he/she wishes me the worst. Everybody will immediately tell me that I am not a Christian and they will be correct. I am atheist and I don't believe in loving my enemies. I am not going to kill my enemies but I will try to be as far as I can from them. Is this too complicated to understand? I am mentioning this because Trump was criticized very hard when he mentioned at the Prayers' Breakfast that he did not like Mitt Romney who justified his voting to remove him from office based on his faith and he did not like Pelosi who has said that she prays for the President to open his heart. Does anybody believe that Nancy Pelosi prays for Trump? I do not.
My question is: What is the justification of loving your enemies? For me it's just religious bullshit but I would like to know what this community thinks about this subject.

Condorandino 5 Feb 10

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Welcome to the Obstructionist republican fascist quasi religious fascist states of amirika!!!


“Love” is one of those convoluted words with more than one meaning. Interpreted as a feeling of affection, then yes, loving an enemy might be impossible. Interpreted as awareness of the enemy’s inherent value as a consciously aware being, a spiritual brother or sister who shares our own being, i.e. respect, then love seems the most rational attitude. The person who spreads love to everyone is not trying to be a good person. They are simply doing what seems logical—they can’t help themselves.

An alternative is to build up fear and hatred in your mind through the thinking of untrue or exaggerated things about the person. In that case love is hidden behind a veil of lies and the afflicted person endures hell on earth in the form of sadness, fear, loneliness, poor health, etc. The object of hatred meanwhile might be blithely going along in happiness.

D.T. annoys me sometimes but I love him anyway.


it means to forgive.

I only forgive people who show remorse for bad actions but I cannot forgive murderers of children, pedophiles, serial killers and other kinds of monsters.

@Condorandino then I guess you're missing the lesson. you need to forgive EVERYONE.

@jeffmesser absolutely not

@Condorandino and WHAT advantage is possibly gained by giving someone a lease to your emotions like that? I'm sorry dude but that's just plain ignorance. Let it fricking go.

@JeffMesser I did not know I was talking to a philosopher. Sorry!

@Condorandino the robe wasn't a giveaway? the mala beads? here, have some sanskrit: atmaneva atmana tustah. I'm a monk. a sadhu. a sannyasin. mumuksa.

@JeffMesser I saw many people dressed like you in China. I visited several Buddhist temples and I saw them praying. I don't know what they were saying or to who they were praying. I don't like religions. I am not sure about reincarnation because I don't know what the soul is. Anyway, you may be happier than I am. I tried to meditate but I can't. I don't believe in the concept of pure consciousness either. I prefer to be a simple ignorant man and live a simple and peaceful life. I love sciences though.

@Condorandino those Buddhists you were describing generally wish the same: a simple existence. I am actually a vedantist (Hindu), but the Buddhists also study the upanishads and Buddha was the 9th avatar of Vishnu. Advaita Vedanta is all about science. The whole science of epistemology comes from the Indus valley as do numbers and algebra and astrophysics. I don't believe in gods or magic.The world is a much broader place than you're giving it credit for.

@JeffMesser I am glad that you are a Vedantist and I am well aware of all the contributions of the hindus to sciences and mathematics. Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, how can you prove that the soul exists? More basically: What is the soul? Can you touch it, see it, hear it, talk to it, detect it, smell it? Please, I only want a scientific explanation.

@Condorandino a scientific explanation? and which of the possibly 10 pramanas do you accept?

@Condorandino you're gonna need to answer my question before I can answer yours ... as I keep trying to explain to you.

@JeffMesser Then I will have to educate myself about the pramanas


It can be seen as a metaphor for, put hate behind you, because hate, especially frustrated hate, will do more harm to you than it does to your enemies.

However it could also be an invention by later authors, who wanted to put deliberately enigmatic words in their hero's mouth, because that is a common trick used in fiction to make people seem wiser, if they say things that are impossible for others to understand, because of course they are impossible.

Fernapple, do you really think that Trump is affected by hate?? I mean his own hate towards his enemies and the hate bestowed on him by his enemies.

@Condorandino I have no idea really, but he certainly is not motivated by love.


It actually has nothing to do with the world at all. There are two major Jesus Charactors in the new testiment. The first is the earliest traditions of Jesus. This Jesus was the messiah meant to deliver the Jews from the Romans. This Jesus was a Jew and waa preparing the Jews for a real physical God kingdom in Jersulam. It was his idea to prepare his people for a perfect real world but in a spiritual mannor so that his people would become gods/rulers over the nations. It is very difficult to understand from modern thinking. So it was was not litteral in that since.

The second Major Jesus charactor was the Jesus concept from the Pauline model that was a Spiritual god. This god was fighting a spiritual battle in heaven. In this model it did not matter what happened in this world, it was about the soul only. The passage came from the First and early Jesus traditions.

To answer your question, it was going to take God killing the Romans to establish his kingdom. Not a very turn the cheek idea. God was evidently goig to love them to death? Religion simply does not make since very often. This is a great example of contridictions and conflicting morals in the Bible.


I think perhaps the way through this principle and it's seemingly counterintuitive direction lay in a more universal human adage of treating others the way you would like to be treated. the old "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" I believe is the Christian verbiage. do not be fooled by what seems like it's simple lesson.

There are many passages thst only apply to Jews. There were many laws that only applied to doing good to fellow Jews. Even in this context it would be understood to apply to Jews but not those who were not. It was simply understood. So do not kill meant do not kill Jews. It did not mean you should not kill other peoples. This was very trible laws.

@DavidLaDeau I myself am speaking speaking outside of any Tradition other than a human tradition. I try not to strangle wisdom.

@hankster There is no other than human tradition when it comes to religion.

@DavidLaDeau right on.


It doesn’t mean you have to be physically near them if they are dangerous. It’s just a mental discipline, like meditation. If you can regard them without malice, you have learned to manage your emotions, rather than letting them manage you. You’re then in a better position to resolve your differences with the least damage and cost to either party. Emotions escalate. Deliberate action de-escalates.

skado Level 9 Feb 11, 2020

I believe that you are a spiritual person and unfortunately I am not. Now, switching subjects to the hater-in-chief I believe that with all the hate that he spreads from the highest office in the land, he is adored by his followers. He does not feel any remorse, everything he does is "perfect" and he is making America Great Again. In other words, in his mind he loves America and he hates Democrats and anybody who opposes him. One anchor on MSNBC even said that Trump does not know what is love. I disageee with that anchor completely, Trump loves his base and probably his children and Melania in that order. We all know that he suffers from Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder due to his father who was an evil person in the same way that Hitler became such a monster due to his father, Alois. Does he control his emotions: hell, no! He is authentic in expressing what he feels and in spite of all his shortcomings and defects, he is the most successful man on Earth. If you stop to think what he achieved in 2016 (even with the help of the Russian hackers) to defeat 16 contenders in the Republican Primaries and then the First woman who gonna-be President, his feat is just incredible. Does he need to love his enemies? Absolutely NOT. When he insults and demeans his enemies, his base loves him even more. They think: " finally we have a real authentic man as a leader, not a phony politician". That is the reason why he has so much charisma among his supporters and at the same time so much vilification among his enemies. The bottom line is that he does whatever he wants, he considers himself above the law and he doesn't care about the separation of Powers. I wouldn't be surprised if he is re-elected that he could pass a Constitutional Amendment abolishing the stain of "being impeached" and clearing his name in the history books. I really think that he does not need to love his enemies. We just have to hope that he does not start killing his enemies like Hitler did. His base (I call it his Al-Qaeda) will always support him. He has already said it: "I could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and I will not lose any votes". This is another example where Hate trumps Love but I have to recognize that makes life more miserable for his opponents.

So much brilliant writing has been done on the subject of love that I’d be silly to think I could add anything constructive to that conversation, but suffice it to say that there are deeper understandings of love than simple animal appetite.

Donald Trump loves his supporters like a fox loves a rabbit. He will do nothing for them that doesn’t serve his own selfish gratification.

If wisdom were common knowledge, we wouldn’t need a word like wisdom. It’s the kind of knowledge that can’t be collected in a single lifetime. It’s often counter-intuitive.

The kind of love written about in our wisdom traditions is more like altruism. It’s sacrificing something of value to ourselves for the sake of another. Just the opposite of anything DJT ever did in his entire lifetime.

The reason for doing such a counter-intuitive thing is not readily apparent to the casual observer. But we are a social animal. We depend on other humans for our survival and wellbeing. So helping the group do well is ultimately not even as unselfish as it first appears. But that’s the nature of wisdom.

Love is about giving; not about taking. It doesn’t have anything to do with ghosts or magic or anything supernatural. It’s just the observations of many generations of humans over many thousands of years. When we treat others with the same consideration we’d give ourselves, we all benefit in the long run. It’s not sappy sentimentality; it’s just the hard physics of human nature.

@skado To me the concept of "don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you" is pure common sense. It has nothing to do with love. It's the essence to be able to live in a civilized society.

And do you extend that common sense to your enemies?

@skado Believe it or not, I don't wish death or horrible illnesses like cancer to my enemies. I just try to be as far as I can from them.

Well that’s about how I am too.

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