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Is anyone else having trouble seeing the "likes" on posts right now?

I haven't been able to view them since about 5 pm EST today.

Yes I sent a note to Admin and developer - but I'm curious if it's a more widespread issue?

Chances are they're doing some coding as they said there would be some coming up.

Here's a gratuitous cat for your trouble....

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RavenCT 9 Feb 11

Enjoy being online again!

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@Admin -Update - the "Likes" are still missing Tuesday 7:40 pm EST - but only on my Laptop (Windows 7). It's fine on my Kindle. So this is platform dependent.


Am seeing the likes and loves, but none of the other descriptors.
This goes on a lot when a comment is at the bottom of the page.
A few days ago, in one post, when I clicked on a like nothing happened -- no reaction to the click

I had this problem 2 years ago and worked out a solution.
When it's at the bottom of a page, click or touch the reply icon. The page scrolls upward when the message box appears.
Now ignore the message box, click on "like" and you will see all the options displayed, because there is now room for them.

Thanks ... for the solution. It makes sense.

@AnonySchmoose Think naught upon it. 'tis but a pleasure for me.


Did you want a potted reply? My "likes" appear to be in order.


Nice cat. Thank you.

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